Why dream of a lover's wife?

Absolutely in every dream book it is possible to read that if the wife of the lover dreams - the girl needs to prepare for serious experiences. It is understandable that if a woman has a relationship with a married man, then she is experiencing serious stress every day. After all, even if the feelings are mutual, the relationship must be carefully concealed. So, the wife of the beloved man dreams that your secret relationship will soon open. If the girl saw such a dream, she needs to be alert.

It is likely that outsiders have already learned about the forbidden secret, including the lover's wife. Such a connection brings pain and suffering to all sides of the love triangle, so it will be best if the man decides on the final choice as soon as possible.

By the way, even if the wife is not yet aware of the adventures of her husband, such a dream may mean that you are the main suspect, and soon there will be evidence of your connection.

Why does the pregnant wife of a lover dream?

If the girl dreams of a pregnant wife of a lover or a woman with children - it symbolizes that, even knowing about the connection of her husband, she will not make a scandal and try to find out the truth. Despite this, the relationship with a married man is better to stop. Most likely, the legitimate wife will not behave aggressively, but she will begin to control her husband, and he will not have the opportunity to devote time to another woman.

Why dream of the former lover's wife?

In general, to see a former lover in a dream means that he remembers the times when you were together. Perhaps the feelings have not faded either with him or with you. If you dreamed of his wife, this is a warning: do not interfere in their relationship , still nothing good will happen, your behavior will only bring pain to yourself, the former lover and his wife.