How to summon a mermaid?

Many in childhood loved the tale of the little mermaid and dreamed of meeting a beautiful woman with a tail. With marine residents associated a large number of myths, for example, it was believed that the sailor who meets them on his way, die. Mermaids are the spirits of water who like to bask in the sun and admire the moon. Since ancient times, people knew how to summon a mermaid and ask her to fulfill her cherished desire . Some beliefs have reached us, so that every person has the opportunity to meet with the sea beauty.

How to call a good mermaid?

There are several ways to accomplish this. You can cause spirits in different ways and in different places. We bring to your attention the most popular options.

How to summon a mermaid of desires?

To cajole the sea spirit, you need to take a gift with you and it's better if it is made of natural materials, for example, a new scallop made of wood and a necklace of shells. On a full moon in the evening, come to the pond, sit by the water, dissolve the hair and comb it with a comb. The hair that remains in the comb, throw in the water and say:

"Hair, my hair! Draw me the spirit of the waters! So that the mermaid sailed, and the hairbrush helped. "

Do not look into the water, for the spirit can take you with you. After the said words, ask for everything you want and throw it into the water, a prepared gift.

How to summon a mermaid without a full moon at home?

Take the basin, pour water into it and place it on the floor. Turn off the light and slide the curtains. Sit next to the pelvis in the lotus position and say 3 times:

"Mermaid, come!"

If the water in the tank became warm, then the ritual was successful, and the spirit of the sea beauty came. After that you can ask him to fulfill his cherished desire.

How to call a mermaid in the afternoon?

In principle, in order to invoke the sea spirit, you can use all of the above options, but the likelihood that he will want to come a little, compared to if you conduct the ritual in the evening and even more so during the full moon. For example, you can use this method at home. Close the curtains, take a glass of water, put a shell and a pinch of salt in it. Then place it on the window sill, so that the full moon reflected in the glass, and say these three times:

"Mermaid, come!"

After that go to the bath, dial water, light 3 candles, not including the light, say:

"Mermaid, come and show your tail."

If you feel a breeze or the water is warm, then the spirit has come, and you can ask for help.

How can you summon a mermaid to hear her singing?

To hear the voices of these sea spirits you need to come in the evening to the seashore, to a place where there are no people, taking with you 2 crystal glasses with red and white wine. After drinking a sip of white wine, leave the glasses on the shore at the edge of the water and say:

"Water maiden drink with me, and then sing the song."

Right after that, you need to move away from the shore and listen to the sounds. When you hear the singing, do not go away and certainly listen to the end. After the mermaids stop singing, wait a bit, and then go back to the shore and throw in the water prepared gifts.

How to evoke the spirit of a mermaid by the sea?

To perform this ritual, you need to take the silver ring and holding it in your hands, say in a whisper:

"I see what is hidden in the bottom of the sea."

After that, look at the sea through the ring, while closing one eye. It is necessary to stay away from the shore. After the mermaid makes a sign, throw the ring to thank the sea spirit.

How to summon a mermaid on a full moon?

For this ritual it is necessary to have beads from seashells. They can be purchased at the store or made by themselves. It is important that the number of shells is odd. Finished beads put on a stone that protrudes from the water, and say:

"Mermaid, here's a gift for you!" Come, take it, and reward me! "