False bouts

Often women do not even suspect that there is a phenomenon of so-called false (preparatory, training) fights. Therefore, when in the ninth month of pregnancy training fights (at night or in the evening) suddenly overtake future mothers, they begin to panic. It seems to them that the birth began earlier than the term or that something abnormal occurs with the child, so they go to the doctor. In fact, false labor during pregnancy is a natural process of preparing the body for childbirth and it should not cause concern if it begins to show itself at the end of the term (starting from the 37th week). According to some experts, preparatory fights begin to occur from the first week of pregnancy, but in the early periods, because of their low intensity, they simply go unnoticed.

Very often mislead false fights at 40 weeks, when the term of birth is very close. It seems to women that they are already giving birth. Therefore, it is necessary to know firmly how to distinguish the preparatory fights from the real ones.

How to distinguish between training fights?

  1. The time intervals between such fights do not decrease. During labor clashes, the intervals between them are constantly reduced.
  2. Training fights are individual, irregular fights, while generic ones are characterized by cyclicity.
  3. Training fights are almost painless, and birth pains are necessarily accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen.
  4. Identify training bouts can be and by how much last (false bouts last less than two minutes, and even quite a few seconds). Generic, in contrast to them, are more prolonged.

By the described signs it is possible to recognize, false fights or the present. However, already giving birth to women argue that it is impossible to confuse the beginning of real battles with anything else.

What to do with false bouts?

Women in different ways suffer training fights. Someone only feels tension in the abdomen, but to someone they cause more substantial discomfort. In some cases, future mothers do not even notice preparatory fights and believe that they were not. However, this is not the case, the body in any case is preparing for childbirth, with some degree of external manifestations.

You already know how to determine false fights. How do you behave to reduce their sensitivity? If, during false bouts, the sensations become painful, the following can help you:

Physicians advise with the onset of false struggles not to waste time, but to begin preparing for childbirth. Train the breathing techniques you know, look for comfortable poses. All this will help a lot when you are overtaken by the real first labor in childbirth.

Additional factors provocateur preparatory fights may serve as the following factors:

It must be borne in mind that for false bouts you can accept real premature bouts that pose a serious threat to the child. You really need urgent medical help if: