The threat of premature birth

To deep regret, the threat of premature birth has become quite common in obstetric practice, which causes quite understandable excitement in expectant mothers. Such an outcome of pregnancy can overtake any pregnant woman, regardless of age and lifestyle.

Why there are premature births?

The delivery that occurred during the 28th to 37th week of gestation may be triggered by such factors:

Symptoms of the threat of premature birth

All of the following signs that a pregnant woman can identify are an immediate indication of a doctor's call and hospitalization:

How to prevent premature birth?

You should take care of your health at the conception planning stage and undergo all necessary tests and treatment. It is necessary to visit regularly the women's consultation and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. First of all, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and attachments, to avoid stress and physical exertion, to undergo timely research and to take the recommended drugs.

Treatment of the threat of premature birth

If there are defects in the development of the child, then it is worth considering the option of termination of pregnancy. In other cases, a woman should undergo treatment in a hospital, the duration of which can be 2 or more weeks. Pregnant women are prescribed medications that reduce the muscular activity of the uterus. It is also likely that Dexamethasone is used in case of the threat of premature birth, as it contributes to the rapid development of the lungs of a child. In various cases, antibiotics, pain medications and sedatives are possible.

The threat of premature delivery at the 30th week may lead to the emergence of a fully viable child whose continued existence depends entirely on the work of the neonatal service and the availability of the necessary equipment.