Obstetric pregnancy weeks

The doctor in the LCD speaks about some obstetrical weeks of pregnancy, ultrasound sets a completely different period, and according to your calculations, the third is obtained. And how not to get confused here with the inexperienced future mother. In fact, everything is not so difficult, it is only necessary to deal with some nuances.

What is the obstetric age and why is it needed?

Obstetric pregnancy weeks include the period from the first day of the last before pregnancy to menstruation to the expected date of delivery (PDR). The obstetric period is 280 days or 40 weeks, or 10 obstetric months (the month is 28 days). Obstetric weeks of pregnancy are counted already when conception has not yet occurred, but the processes of maturation and release of the egg have successfully passed.

The definition of obstetric weeks is necessary for the convenience of calculating the timing of pregnancy. After all, no doctor can tell exactly when a woman had ovulation and, consequently, conception. Yes, and the woman herself can, of course, guess about the possible day of conception, but not be sure of it completely. In the meantime, almost all the representatives of the fair sex remember the date of the beginning of the last months.

What is the embryonic period and term of pregnancy by ultrasound?

The embryonic period is the time of your baby's life, first in the status of the embryo, and then in the status of the fetus. The embryonic period lasts approximately 265-266 days (38 weeks or 9 ordinary months).

Ultrasound examines the expected duration of pregnancy based on the existing size of the baby, while relying on the normative indices of its development on embryonic (up to 12 weeks) and obstetric (after 12) weeks. The timing for ultrasound is rather inaccurate. Dimensions of the fetus, as well as the size of an adult person, are individual, small children are born, child-heroes are born, slight deviation (no more than 2 weeks from the norm for the corresponding week of pregnancy) is allowed. Nevertheless, determining the timing of pregnancy by ultrasound is very important, a significant deviation from the normative indices indicates different pathologies in the development of the baby.

How to count midwife weeks of pregnancy?

About that, what such and as are considered obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the future mother should tell the doctor. But if suddenly he failed with his job, and you forgot to clarify this point on his own, the following information is for you.

So, how do you calculate the pregnancy maternity weeks? It's pretty simple. Take a calendar, remember the date of the first day of the last month, count from this day (inclusive with him) the number of days or weeks (as you are comfortable) until today, get an obstetric pregnancy . If counted in days, do not forget the number divided by seven. If you want to know the date of the expected delivery, according to the same scheme, calculate 280 days. Determine the PDR can be different, namely: for the same calendar, count three months from the first day of the last menstruation back and add 7 days.

What is the difference between obstetric and embryonic weeks?

Based on the above, the difference between obstetric and embryonic weeks of pregnancy is in the order of their calculation. Obstetrical period is 280 days (considered from the last monthly). Meanwhile, as the embryonic lasts approximately 265 days (count from the day of conception).

If a woman's menstrual cycle is regular and stable, then with a higher probability percentage, it can be assumed that ovulation occurred in the middle of the cycle and in the middle of the cycle, respectively, a conception occurred. That is, the time difference between obstetric pregnancy weeks and embryonic weeks in a healthy woman with a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28-30 days is within two weeks. In women with an irregular cycle, the embryonic period can only be guessed.