Eighth week of pregnancy

Waiting for a child is an incomparable sensation, which is felt only by a woman. And her natural desire is to know everything that happens to the child and to herself at every stage of gestation. It also concerns the eighth week of pregnancy, when almost all women already know about their "interesting situation" and are looking forward to an ultrasound session.

The eighth midwife pregnancy week corresponds to the 4th week of absence of menstruation or 6 weeks from the moment of conception of the baby. The fetus is already firmly entrenched in the mother's womb, and the risks of losing it are significantly reduced.

Symptoms of pregnancy in 8 weeks

In addition to the fact that the future mother has already noted the absence of menstruation and repeatedly had the opportunity to see the "striped" pregnancy test, the following signs of fertilization are not excluded:

Even if a woman has no idea about her new position, all these symptoms will necessarily force her to attract attention and consult a doctor.

What happens to the mother's organism at the time of 8 weeks of pregnancy?

The womb of a woman who needs to become a temporary haven for a baby, quickly increases its size. It is possible to have a sense of reducing the childbearing place, as before the menstrual period. It grows the placenta - the most important organ for the fetus.

The peculiarity of the 8th week of pregnancy is an incredible hormonal "explosion" in the body of a woman. Global adjustment of hormones is necessary in order to adapt to the bearing of the child. Such components as prolactin, estrogen and progesterone begin to participate in the expansion of the arteries, so that the child receives more maternal blood, and with it all the necessary substances. The hormone levels of hCG at week 8 of gestation significantly differ from previous ones and grow steadily, which is also an excellent sign confirming the normal course of gestation.

It is at this time that a woman can begin to feel all the delights of early toxicosis . They can manifest in the form of nausea, vomiting, unwillingness to eat, pain in the stomach and abundant secretion of saliva.

A clear sign of pregnancy at week 8 are enlarged mammary glands, their engorgement and soreness. Around the nipples blood vessels begin to appear, the areola darkens, the chest becomes heavier and pours.

What tests should I take at the 8th week of pregnancy from conception?

This period is the most optimal for the first trip to the women's polyclinic and registration. It will be necessary to undergo an examination on the gynecological chair, tell the doctor about all your sensations during the eighth week of pregnancy and ask exciting questions. The specialist will assign you the following studies:

How does the fetus grow on the 8th week of pregnancy?

This is a time of great change for the baby. It ceases to be an embryo and becomes a full-fledged fruit. Internal bodies have just begun their formation and have not even taken the necessary positions yet. The weight of the child is 3 grams, and the height is 15-20 mm.

The embryo at the 8th week of pregnancy already has the germs of the genital organs, the formation of bones, cartilage, and muscle tissue begins. The trunk of the child lengthens, and the brain begins to send impulses to the body of the fetus that convey the emotional mood. The outlines of the future face appear, the ear is formed, the membranes appear between the fingers and toes.