Vasodilating drops in the nose during pregnancy

Happy months of bearing a baby are often overshadowed by various kinds of ailments. Then the early toxicosis does not give rest to the future mother, then from nowhere sudden cold. One of the first signs of malfunctions in the well-coordinated work of the body is a common cold. He can signal the penetration of the virus, infection, may be a manifestation of allergies. Knowing the etiology of the common cold is extremely important, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, because the treatment may radically differ.

Usually, complex therapy, be it SARS or a common cold, includes vasoconstrictive drops. However, this does not apply to women in the situation.

Why not, or what are the vasoconstrictor drops dangerous during pregnancy?

If the drugs of this group had only a local effect, the question is whether vasoconstrictive drops in the nose during pregnancy could not stand. But, as is known, such drugs have a general vasoconstrictive effect on the body, respectively, and exposed to the vessels of the placenta, through which the crumb receives nutrients. Some experts assure that this effect is observed only when a woman "abuses" drops - exceeds the dosage and duration of admission. But the fact is that the body, in particular the nasal mucosa, quickly gets used to this kind of impact, and the two drops that helped to relieve the stuffiness yesterday - today are already ineffective. Thus, involuntarily there is an accustoming, an increase in the dosage, and, as a consequence, atrophy of the nervous olfactory endings of the nose, dryness of the mucous membranes, hypoxia of the fetus. Categorically forbidden vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for pregnant women suffering from high blood pressure.

How to cope with nasal congestion during pregnancy?

The state of permanent nasal congestion - the situation is extremely dangerous, as it leads to deficiency of oxygen in the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with this problem without delay. Given the etiology of the common cold, the duration of pregnancy and the nature of its course, a medicine, including drops, should be selected only by a doctor. Most often doctors recommend future mothers preparations of the following groups:

  1. Drops on the basis of sea water, such as Aquamaris, Salin, Merimer, Humer. They contain a lot of useful microelements, each of which has a unique effect. As a result of the use of such funds, the mucosal edema and inflammation are removed, local immunity is activated. But, most importantly, such drugs are absolutely safe for a growing man in the tummy.
  2. Drops on a plant basis, for example, Pinosol. The composition of the drug includes essential oils of eucalyptus, pine mint, which effectively fight with such a manifestation of the common cold as a runny nose.
  3. Homeopathic preparations, such as Euphorbium compositum and EDAS-131 - relieve the condition, do not harm the baby.
  4. Traditional medicine. Normalize nasal breathing, relieve inflammation and swelling - the Kalanchoe juice, scarlet, beets.

Of course, there are cases when comparing the risks for pregnant women, doctors still prescribe vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. Mostly these are preparations based on xylometazoline, with commercial names: Galazolin, For the nose, Ximelin. They can be used only after administration and strictly at the indicated dosage. Paying attention to precautions, you can use drugs on the basis of naphazoline, it drops Sanorin and Naphthyzin, at later times - Tizin, Vibrocil.

Vasodilating drops in the nose with oxymetazoline are prohibited for pregnant women.