Why do pregnant women have a streak on their stomachs?

In the body of the future mother there are a number of changes. They affect the state of health of a woman and her appearance. Future parents try to get more information about the waiting period of the baby. Often the question arises as to why pregnant women have a streak on their stomachs. Some are worried about whether this is a sign of pathology, others are concerned about the aesthetic side. But you should know that most pregnant women face this phenomenon, and it does not harm a woman's health or crumbs in any way.

The causes of the appearance of a dark strip on the abdomen of pregnant women

The specialists have not yet studied this topic definitively. But already there are some factors that explain such a change in the woman's body.

The hormonal background changes from the first weeks of gestation. It is he who causes many of the conditions that the girl has to face in this crucial period. The increase in the values ​​of estrogen, progesterone, affects the hormone called melanotropin.

It affects the production of pigment, which is distributed unevenly during pregnancy. That's why pregnant women have a strip on the abdomen, as well as spots in different parts of the body, the areola of the nipples are beginning to darken. Such changes are temporary, so do not worry about your appearance. After childbirth, everything is usually restored within a few months.

Also, the future mummy may be interested in when a band appears on the abdomen of pregnant women. Usually it is clearly visible to the third trimester. But sometimes it is noted and at earlier times.

It is interesting to learn some points about the strip on the tummy of the future mummy: