Miramistin during pregnancy

The period of life when a woman expects a child is a time of restriction, because the emerging fetus is very sensitive to the action of adverse factors that can disrupt its development and lead to spontaneous abortion or premature birth. Especially it concerns medical preparations. Consider the features of Miramistin during pregnancy, contraindications to it and side effects.

Application of Miramistine in pregnancy

To understand whether it is possible to recommend Miramistin for pregnant women, see for what purposes it is prescribed, what is the active substance and how it is excreted from the body. Miramistin refers to antiseptic and antibacterial agents. It is also active against fungal flora and protozoa microorganisms (mycoplasma, chlamydia).

It is available in two forms: ointment and solution (also in the form of a spray). This drug is used in many fields of medicine: surgery, gynecology, otolaryngology, urology and dentistry. The active substance Miramistina is benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride. As the name implies, this is a synthetic drug, so you should be careful when using it. Studying contraindications to Miomistin according to the instructions, we see that during pregnancy it is not prohibited.

How to use Miramistin during pregnancy?

Miramistin during pregnancy can be used with long-term healing festering or burn wounds. The use of ointment promotes the healing of the wound surface and successfully fights with wound infection. The wound moistened with ointment should be covered with a sterile dressing and fixed.

This drug is successfully used in inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. Burying Miramistin in the nose during pregnancy is recommended for acute respiratory viral infections, which manifest a runny nose. Miramistin in pregnancy for gargling is used with laryngitis and pharyngitis, which is accompanied by a strong cough and sore throat. In such cases, the Miramistin solution not only effectively fights the infection, but also relieves swelling and inflammation in the throat, which helps to overcome the cough. Miramistin in the form of a spray during pregnancy is used in the complex treatment of acute tonsillitis (sore throats). A solution of this antiseptic is washed with maxillary sinuses after they are opened.

If a woman is diagnosed with sexual infections (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea , trichomoniasis, candidiasis), then Miramistin is recommended as an erosion. External application of this drug does not harm the baby, as it is not absorbed by the affected surface. The procedure for syringing with miramistin during pregnancy is not desirable, since these procedures can trigger a spontaneous abortion or an increase in uterine tone. Miramistin during pregnancy from thrush can be used as an ointment, which can be placed in the vagina on a tampon.

Miramistin - contraindications in pregnancy

If you believe the instructions, Miramistin is not contraindicated in pregnancy and can be successfully used for many diseases. Sometimes during the application of this drug there may be a burning sensation that disappears within 10-15 seconds.

Having become acquainted with the peculiarities of using Miramistine during pregnancy with various diseases, we were convinced that it does not have a negative effect on the body of a woman and a child, since it acts in the source of infection and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. However, before you begin to be treated with this drug, you should consult your doctor.