Stones the abdomen during pregnancy

Quite often, future mothers with a seemingly normal pregnancy, note that they stony stomach. The reasons for the development of such a phenomenon can be many. Consider the most common of them.

Why do women stony stomach during pregnancy?

As a rule, this leads to an increase in the tone of uterine myometrium, which in turn can be caused by numerous causes. In itself, the presence of hypertension of the uterus is associated with several dangers.

First, in this condition, there is a sharp deterioration of uteroplacental blood circulation, which leads to the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Secondly, with hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy, when the lower abdomen is stony, a pathological condition such as a partial placental abruption can develop, which ultimately leads to the development of spontaneous abortion or the onset of premature birth (if this situation occurs at the end of the gestation period) .

If we talk about what can lead to the development of hypertonia, which explains why pregnant women have a stony abdomen, this can happen because of:

What other reasons can the woman's stomach stagnate?

Often during pregnancy, the future mother notices that her stomach is periodically stony. In such situations, this phenomenon is explained most often by the presence of physical activity, prolonged walking, climbing the stairs, which preceded the onset of hypertension of the uterus.

However, it should be noted that this phenomenon is often due to the very process of pregnancy. So, increasing the contractility of muscle fibers of uterine myometrium can be caused by a large fetus, the development of polyhydramnios.

Also, when diagnosing the cause of what makes the abdomen stony in the early stages of pregnancy, it is sometimes established, that the woman has some features of the reproductive organs, for example - a small, bicornic uterus.

Separately, it is necessary to say that the main reason for the pregnancy of the abdomen during pregnancy is mainly at night, is the finding of a future mother in one position for a long time.

Thus, regardless of the circumstances under which the abdomen becomes stunted during pregnancy (at walking, at night), a woman should address this problem to the doctor, which will eliminate the risk of pathology.