Reproduction of currant cuttings

The most simple and reliable method of propagation of shrub plants, including berries, is the method of vegetation, in particular, cuttings. It allows not only to quickly obtain new plants, but also to preserve all the characteristics of the variety on them, while seed propagation does not guarantee this at all.

Currant is an extremely tasty and healthy berry, the richest source of vitamin C, so necessary for strengthening immunity. In order to successfully breed the currant bushes, you should know how to properly prepare cuttings of currants, as well as when to plant and the basic principles of nursing first for the cuttings, and then for the young plants.

Reproduction of currant cuttings can be made in the presence of healthy high-yielding uterine bushes at the age of 3-4 years. From one such bush it is possible to receive up to 20 cuttings. The best time of the year for black currant flowering is in autumn for black currant and at the end of summer for red.

How to propagate currants: preparation of cuttings

For the cuttings of currant will be suitable for annual, already lignified shoots, not less than 6-7 mm thick. You can take radical or daughter, the first order of branching. Selected shoots are cut with a pruner and divided into cuttings as follows:

If you plant cuttings in the fall, then they can begin to take root early in the spring, before the points begin to ripen. If you have planned a landing for the spring, then harvested cuttings should be placed in a box and covered with snow. 2-3 days before planting, cuttings of currant should be placed in water for two-thirds of the length. Black currant rooted well, red - a little worse, so its cuttings and planting is better to produce in August.

Planting currant cuttings

Before planting cuttings should prepare the ground: dig it at a depth of 20 cm, loosen, break up clods of earth and remove the weeds. Trowel beds are made, sand, peat and ashes are introduced into them, and then they are evenly mixed with the ground. Plant cuttings in rows in 1 or 2 lines. The distance between the lines should be 20 cm, between the rows - 40, and between the cuttings in the line - 10-15 cm. Insert the cuttings into the ground at a small angle so that 1-2 kidneys remain on top, the earth around each must be carefully compacted, and then pour until fully hydrated landing zone cuttings. Also planting must necessarily mulch humus, laying a layer of 4-5 cm in the future until the rooting of the cuttings should be watered every day, for about 3-4 weeks. After that, watering is done only after the earth dries up at the depth of the cuttings.

Care for cultivation of currant cuttings

The main care during the rooting of the cuttings, as already mentioned above, is to maintain a high soil moisture. With the correct planting and proper care, more than 90% of the cuttings take root, and by the next autumn (if the planting was done in autumn) or by the fall of the same year (if planted in the spring), strong young bushes grow.

In May for irrigation should be done along the seedlings special furrows. Two days after each watering, it is necessary to loosen the ground in order to get oxygen to the roots - this is the best way to promote the growth of currant bushes. To strengthen the root system, three times throughout the summer, feed the cuttings with a solution of chicken manure at a rate of 1 to 15.