Cabbage pests

Rich in vitamin C cabbage every year, it risks not to get to our table, because some representatives of the fauna dream of it. The fight against pests of cabbage is a whole science for any vegetable grower, unfortunately, it is often necessary to master it by trial and error.

Before we talk about specific pests and methods to combat them, it is worth mentioning a few golden universal rules:

Spring and summer cabbage flies

It is not the flies themselves that are dangerous, but their larvae, which penetrate into the roots and heads, violate the integrity and the plant begins to wither. A good method of combating a fly is planting in the neighborhood of garlic. Another way to save cabbage from pest-flies is to plant it in the early spring, so that by the time of the arrival of insects it is strengthened, and the larvae could not grow a dense cob. If the larvae have already attacked, it is good to water the plant with a cooled tobacco solution (200 g of tobacco, 5 g of soap, a bucket of hot water).

Cabbage aphids

Aphid feeds on the juice of cabbage, pulling it from the leaves, as a result of which they become covered with yellowish spots and twist. Protection of cabbage from these pests - planting nearby tomatoes and basil. If aphids still began to eat cabbage, you need to prepare a remedy: a bucket of water, a glass of tobacco dust, a glass of wood ash , a mustard spoon and a spoonful of soap. This "potion" persists for 24 hours, and then they are sprayed with cabbage, directing the solution to the lower part of the leaves, where the pest has settled.

Cabbage whiting

At first glance, a harmless butterfly with spots on its wings actually carries a threat. She lays eggs under the leaves, from which in a week and a half there are caterpillars and begin to actively devour the leaves. Having eaten one cabbage, they go to the next. The problem is that the whitecaps reproduce very fast, and 3-4 generations of butterflies may appear during the season. It is not difficult to guess how to deal with the voracious pests of cabbage - again with an organic solution, this time from two glasses of ashes, a spoon of soap and a bucket of water.

Cabbage flea (cruciferous)

This is perhaps the earliest enemies of cabbage. They appear in March, first eat cabbage weeds, and then, as soon as young cabbage shoots eat the first leaves, leaving the plant no chance of survival. Prophylaxis of fleas - thorough weeding of weeds. If they nevertheless began to reproduce, the daily dusting of the culture with tobacco dust in a mixture with ash will help.

Snails and slugs

These pests are not modest, they affect both leaves and roots. You can learn their work from the over-eaten leaves and light, dried up traces of slime left on the cabbage. The method of struggle is - ash mixed with salt, ground pepper and dry mustard, all this sprinkled the soil in the cabbage and dig over a few centimeters. On the same day in the evening, this mixture (already without salt) is pollinated by plants. The method is repeated one week later.

Well, knowing the enemy in person, it's easier to fight, but let pests and cabbage diseases bypass the crop side and every summer this green beauty diversifies your table!