Climbing rose - cultivation and care

A climbing rose is an ornamental plant of artisan type that will perfectly fit into the interior of any garden plot, supplementing it with bright colors and pleasing the owner with abundant flowering. However, before you contemplate all its beauty, you will have to work hard. Let's take a closer look at what kind of care is needed for a climbing rose to successfully grow and bloom.

How to multiply and root a clinging rose?

Reproduction of the climbing rose can be carried out by layers and cuttings.

Cultivation by layers begins with the selection of good strong shoots. Near the bush, it is necessary to dig a groove, the bottom of which should be well loosened and covered with humus. Further into the groove in the vertical position, the chosen shoot is laid, covered with earth and well watered. By spring, the shoot will take root and it can be cut off from the main bush. In order that the rose is well established and rooted, it is important not to allow its flowering in the first summer, simply tearing off the buds.

Cuttings of clinging roses are easier and faster. After flowering roses from the middle of the stem cut cuttings long 15-20 cm with 3-4 buds. The lower leaves are completely removed and the cuttings are buried in a shady area to a depth of 5-6 cm. After that, the flower bed is well watered.

As a rule, climbing roses are perfectly rooted without the use of various growth substances. The main thing, do not forget to periodically loosen the ground, remove the weeds and water the rose.

How to care for a climbing rose?

In the summer, caring for a curling rose is a rare, but abundant watering, pruning and feeding. To water a bush it is necessary time in 8-10 days, not supposing drying of soil. Also, we should not forget that the rose needs periodic feeding of organic and mineral fertilizers. In order to stimulate additional flowering of the rose, the faded branches should be cut off.

With the arrival of the first frosts, the plant needs to be bored, remove the supports, and pull the whip to the ground. And when the temperature drops to -5 ° C, all the leaves are removed from the rose, as well as damaged or rotted shoots. After this, the whips are twisted, tied with twine and pinned to the ground. For the winter period, shoots are covered with dry leaves, wooden boxes, film or other convenient material.

Pruning of clinging roses must be done 2 times a year: in the spring - shoots that have not wintered well should be removed, and in autumn - which can not tolerate frost. In addition, in the autumn before the start, frost shoots must be shortened by 25-30 cm in order to simplify the wintering process.

How to tie a clinging rose?

It should be remembered that clinging roses do not tend to travel along the ground, so they require some kind of support. It can be a trellis, an arch, a pergola, a gazebo, etc. For the garter, in order not to injure the stem, it is necessary to use non-sharp elements - wire, rope, string. Attach whips should be horizontally, diagonally or spirally, which will not impede the growth of lateral branches.

The climbing rose - problems and diseases

One of the problems that many gardeners often encounter is a rare or complete absence of flowering. The reason why a stunted rose does not bloom may be a bad wintering last year's shoots. In addition, do not forget to trim the faded branches, as this stimulates a new flowering.

Another problem is the yellowing of the leaves. If you notice that your climbing rose has yellow leaves, it is most likely the cause the lack of nutrients (nitrogen, iron, etc.) or an excess of fertilizers.

In addition, roses have many pests: aphids , spider mites , sawflies, leaf-eating insects, thrips. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the processing of bushes in time with special preparations.

Also, we should not forget that climbing roses have many diseases: powdery mildew , crayfish, black spot, fusarium, etc. Against such diseases, there are many effective drugs that not only destroy the disease, but also prevent the emergence of new foci.