Raised basophils in an adult

Basophils are a kind of leukocytes that make up the blood. Inside them are highly active components: serotonin, histamine and others. They form in the bone marrow together with eosinophils and neutrophils. After that, they find themselves in the peripheral blood stream, from where they spread throughout the body. In tissues they live more than ten days. Elevated levels of basophils in the blood of an adult can talk about the presence in the body of serious ailments. These cells are primarily an integral part of inflammatory processes - especially in the presence of allergic reactions.

The causes of increased basophils in the blood in an adult

The normal number of basophils in the blood in an adult is from one to five percent. If you translate into the usual units of measurement - up to 0.05 * 109/1 liter of blood. At higher figures, the figure reaches a mark of 0.2 * 109/1 liter. In medical practice, this condition was called basophilia. It is considered a rare disease. In this case, it can indicate different pathologies:

In addition, such signs often arise as a result of taking medications containing estrogen. Also, an increase in the number of basophils usually occurs during menstrual cycles or during ovulation.

Usually, the increase in the number of these components is manifested during the reaction to the allergen. The body begins to fight, which leads to a decrease in basophils in the blood, redirecting them to the tissues. As a result, the person on the skin appears red spots, swelling, there is an itch all over the body.

Raised basophils and lymphocytes in an adult

Even experienced doctors, based only on the results of blood tests, can not accurately tell the cause of the increased number of lymphocytes and basophils. To determine the exact diagnosis, experts prescribe some other studies. In turn, an excessive amount of these components in the blood can indicate different serious pathologies in the body:

In addition, increased rates can result from the use of drugs, which contain analgesics, phenytoin and valproic acid.

Raised basophils and monocytes in an adult

If the number of basophils and monocytes in the blood exceeds the norm, in the first place this may indicate inflammatory processes occurring in the body. More often these are purulent infections.

Basophils themselves are considered cells that react faster than others to the focus of the disease. They manage to be the first to be near the problem, when others just "are collecting information".

When you pass the tests, you must specify the information about long-term treatment with hormonal drugs, since they directly affect these indicators.

Raised basophils and eosinophils in adults

If the blood test results show an increased number of basophils and eosinophils, in most cases it can talk about such ailments as:

Sometimes such indicators occur in severe or infectious diseases: