Lymphatic drainage massage

Today, if you go to any salon to correct a figure , as a first step you will probably be offered a procedure such as lymph drainage massage. Today, its effectiveness is no longer questioned. There are several ways to implement it, each of which deserves special attention.

Benefits of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is shown not only to those who experience any health problems, but also to people healthy - for prevention. It's no secret that it is lymph drainage that allows you to get rid of edema, redirect stagnant fluid and stimulate the immune system. This makes it easy to defeat many inflammatory processes, stress, depression and other side effects of our rabid urban life.

Separately, I would like to note the aesthetic side: effective lymph drainage massage from cellulite, and also generally tones well the skin and relieves the body of flabbiness.

Lymphatic drainage massage: contraindications

The lymphatic drainage effect is very useful for the human body, but there are also contraindications. These include:

In a good salon, before appointing you to such a procedure, the doctor will be sure to get acquainted with the history of your illnesses and will conduct a thorough survey to find out if such a massage can harm you.

Lymphatic drainage massage: technique of performing

Many people are interested in how lymph drainage massage is done. There are several basic variations - massage is done either manually, either with the aid of a special apparatus, or using vacuum (this is a subset of hardware massage). Depending on its depth, different techniques may be needed - pressotherapy, mesotherapy, myostimulation or LPG. Only after choosing a technique can you decide on how often to do lymphatic drainage massage. In different cases, the doctor may prescribe a different duration and number of courses.

Manual version of lymphatic drainage is a very pleasant procedure, which is carried out by a professional masseur. In this case, the approach to the client is absolutely individual, because the expert will accurately feel where the stress accumulates and which of the zones requires more attention.

Hardware lymph drainage is carried out on a special microcurrent device, where you can select individual parameters for each client - the length and frequency of the pulse and the duration of the pauses. This technique is very effective for restoring muscle tone, helps to remove excess fluid, heals cellulite and removes swelling.

Vacuum lymph drainage massage is performed by a professional masseur with the help of special tubes. Professionalism is important here - after all, the tubes must move clearly along the lymph flow paths, so that the procedure is safe and brings the body maximum benefit.

As a rule, specialists in the beauty salon help clients to determine which procedure to choose, and suggest the most appropriate options for continuing therapy. Lymphatic drainage massage in itself gives an easy weight loss effect, but it is best to use it as the first step in the correction of the figure. In this case, you can achieve optimal results in a very short time.