Aquagiogging for slender legs

If you want to become the owner of slender legs, then you need to go for aquagiogging. With age, legs, unfortunately, lose their elasticity and look soft to say is not beautiful. And classes in the water will help to eliminate this problem.

In addition to women who want to lose weight, in America so many athletes train. In Finland, aqua juggling competitions are held annually.

What it is?

In simple words, aqua-jogging is a run in water. Invented it back in the 70's in America. During training, a special waistcoat is worn on a person, which does not provide an opportunity to get to the bottom, that is, he is like a float. The first workouts take place at great depth, and each time its level decreases, and the lower it is, the more difficult it is to run.

American scientists suggested another variant of aqua-jogging, they installed a treadmill on the bottom of the pool. Such training takes place in an ordinary sports suit and in sneakers, without a special vest. In addition, it is possible to control the speed of running, so that the load then increases, then decreases. This option is very popular among Hollywood stars.

Why in the water?

Water has a positive effect on the human body, and all thanks to:

  1. Ejection ability . In such conditions, the locomotor apparatus is not overloaded, and the spine simply rests during water training. Such occupations practically completely exclude the possibility of obtaining various kinds of injuries. Thanks to the force of ejection, the muscles are in constant tonus.
  2. The power of resistance . Movement in the water is 12 times more resistant than in the air. This greatly improves the coordination of movement, endurance and body becomes stronger. Such training helps to lose a lot more calories, and, therefore, kilograms go much faster.
  3. Hydrostatic pressure . Training has a positive effect on blood circulation and the work of internal organs. Such exercises can help get rid of various diseases, improve the psychological state.

Advantages of aqua jogging:


Like all types of training, aqua jogging has contraindications:

  1. It is better to give up such activities to people who may have cramps.
  2. It is not recommended to go to the pool for people who have suffered a heart attack.
  3. If you have bronchial asthma, you may experience breathing problems during exercise.
  4. Damage to the eardrums can trigger an imbalance.
  5. If you have an allergy to bleach, then it is better to give up lessons or pick a pool in which chlorine is used in the minimum amount.
  6. Contraindicated in aquagiogging classes for people who have acute infectious diseases, problems with the eyes, kidneys, gall bladder, as well as those who have a tendency to bleeding and other serious diseases.

Be sure to consult a doctor for advice before starting the classes.

It is recommended to pay attention to the water temperature in the pool before the start of training, it should be at least 20 degrees.

If you do not have contraindications, then safely go to the gym for aquagiogging and after a while you will see wonderful results: the legs will become slim and beautiful.