How to drink green coffee?

If you are reading this article, it means that "green lettering" has reached you! First of all, perhaps, you would like to know if green coffee helps to lose weight. Unequivocally you can answer it yourself, if you experience it yourself. Miracles do not happen, if you want to continue to eat before bed and your entire gym is reduced to reading articles on fitness, green coffee, alas, will not help. But in case you are ready for active actions to achieve harmony and health, then you are with us!

About properties

So, green coffee - the same black coffee , only not fried and at the same time, retained all the useful oils, acids and vitamins, which are lost during heat treatment. The most useful in green coffee is chlorogenic acid, which is the stimulator of metabolic processes, the splitting of fats and protects the liver from obesity. In combination with caffeine, this acid suppresses hunger and invigorates in the morning. The composition also has tannic acid, which maintains the general tone, activates our physical and mental activity. If it is easier, then green coffee, indeed, helps to burn fat, but for this we also need to work.

How green coffee works for extra pounds is understandable, but that's not all! Due to its composition, green coffee oil is used for cosmetic purposes to strengthen hair and nails, as well as to give elasticity to the skin. And green coffee can save you from cellulite. To do this, the meal (coffee grounds) with massage movements rubbed into the skin on "problematic" places. Chlorogenic acid splits the subcutaneous fat and the outside.

How to drink green coffee?

But until you ran to the store for this miracle cure, we'll figure out how to drink green coffee.

Best of all, buy green coffee beans and grind yourself. In this business, you can only trust yourself. And it will be more effective to consume as much as possible fresh grains (this happens only in Brazil), than fresh coffee, the more vitamins it contains.

Grinding green coffee is very difficult. Powder you hardly get, at best, small granules. Some to facilitate and improve their own grains, but if you are going to lose weight on coffee, stop for raw grains.

As for cooking, we do everything here, as with a black "friend."

Do not buy soluble green coffee, in it the caffeine content is much higher. And also get only original green coffee for weight loss and only in specialized stores. There it is cheaper, and there is a chance that it will be able to grind with you.