How to take linseed oil for weight loss?

If you want to reduce weight intensively, choose a fairly tough diet, add to it sport and flaxseed oil for weight loss - the result will not be long in coming. From this article you will learn how to choose the right product, how to use it, and what contraindications there are.

How to choose a good linseed oil?

Before using linseed oil for weight loss, it is worth making sure of the product safety. To do this, it is worth carefully selecting it - for example, using the following rules:

  1. Do not order oil through the Internet. Not all suppliers are conscientious, and it is unlikely that you will receive a return if something does not suit you.
  2. The oil should be clear, without foreign smells, with a light greenish-yellow tinge.
  3. If the oil is cloudy, or there is a sediment in it - it's a substandard product, and you can not drink it.
  4. Try to buy such products only in trusted stores, so as not to receive rape at the price of flaxseed oil.

Before you go for oil, visit the doctor and ask if you really can drink it, because there are a lot of contraindications, in which its use is strictly prohibited.

Contraindications to the use of linseed oil for weight loss

Despite the fact that flaxseed oil is unique in its curative properties, it can not be used by everyone. There are a number of contraindications, and if any of them you have, this method of losing weight should be discarded in order to avoid health problems. The list of contraindications includes:

Do not forget: pregnant women, nursing mothers and children, the oil intake is strictly allowed on the advice of a doctor. Take care of your health, and before you take linseed oil for weight loss, check with your doctor whether you are not prohibited.

How to drink lean oil for weight loss?

There are only 4 schemes for receiving such a product. The first two are quite tough, the last two are the softest. Consider them in order:

  1. The most common indication for the use of this oil is to drink one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, and wash down with a glass of warm water. For many, it will be quite hard, because drinking a spoonful of oil is not so easy.
  2. Another option - to drink the same spoon of oil for an hour or two before bedtime, after 1-1.5 hours after dinner. This option is also complicated due to dosage. Supporters of this position believe that it is in a dream that the body needs nutrients that are in this oil.
  3. The third option is a compromise. It is proposed to drink a teaspoon of oil in the morning, and a tea-spoon in the evening. It is much easier to do to those who do not like the taste of butter, and, in addition, not so loads the body.
  4. The fourth option is the softest of all. During the day in vegetable salads you need to add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, and use it in this way. It is worth noting that its properties are destroyed by the slightest heating, so it is important to use it only with cold food, and another hour after eating, do not eat or drink anything hot.

Before applying linseed oil for weight loss, think over your diet: it is best to remove from it bread and all flour, sugar and all sweet, animal fats and all fatty. Only in combination with a diet such oil can produce results.