Why does a ram dream?

Interpretation of dreams must be done individually, that is, to compare the information received and events occurring in reality. In deciphering, it is important to consider not only the main object, but also its characteristics and actions.

Why does a ram dream?

A lone animal is a harbinger of mistakes that you or close relatives make. If the ram is dead, then you should wait for increased activity from enemies who want to harm. A dream where you see aggressive animals is an indication that your rash act will have serious consequences. A burding ram promises quarrels and scandals. If you see bobbing sheep, then in your environment there is a person who pretends to take your place at work. For unmarried people, a dream about a sick sheep predicts a meeting with a worthy partner.

Why dream of buying live sheep?

Such a dream portends an imminent wedding that will be the beginning of a long family life.

Why dream a herd of sheep?

A large number of animals peacefully grazing on the field is a harbinger of prosperity and a happy future. Soon everything will be quiet without any surprises. Another dream about a herd of sheep predicts the appearance in your life of an influential person.

Why does a white sheep dream?

Such an animal is a symbol of success . If you see a herd of white rams, and one animal goes in your direction - this is a symbol that soon the cherished desire will come true.

Why dream of cutting a ram?

In this case, the dream promises a successful purchase, as well as a stable financial position. For a fair sex, such a dream is a symbol of jealousy on the part of the partner.