Diet with gastroduodenitis

Gastroduodenitis is a combined disease, partly a gastritis and duodenitis. The essence of the disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. As with gastritis, there are acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Consider the symptoms, treatment and diet with gastroduodenitis.

Forms and symptoms

The first division is an acute and chronic form of the disease.

In people, acute gastroduodenitis is called a "stomach disorder", from which it can be concluded that most of you have already had an attack of an acute form of the disease.

The disease manifests as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, a characteristic pain in the stomach. There is everything in the classic scenario - heavy, fatty, spicy food, and even in large quantities and eaten at one time. Adds credibility to the presence of the disease and drank the dose of alcohol. As a result of all this, there is an edema of the gastric mucosa.

We emphasize: all this happens instantly. You ate, drank, and started. Another thing is that the habit of eating, thus, could reduce your local immunity , and the acute form developed when the stomach has no strength, engage in a heavy meal.

The chronic form appears slowly, for years. Symptoms are very extensive. First of all, these are disorders of stool and sleep, headaches, urges for vomiting, fatigue, plaque on the tongue, reduced body weight. As for the purely gastrointestinal symptoms, everything is as usual here:


Before intensive treatment, the doctor should urgently appoint a diet with gastroduodenitis. It is individual, depends on the kind of activity (often gastroduodenitis develops due to poor ecology at enterprises), and on the sensitivity of the patient. Diet and nutrition for gastroduodenitis is based, first of all, on data on the acidity of the stomach - reduced, elevated or neutral. In addition, of course, the main goal in the diet and treatment of gastroduodenitis is to eliminate the factors that led to the disease. It can be psychological problems, stresses - they make local immunity weaker, and then gastroduodenitis can arise from the slightest food poisoning.

Diet for chronic or acute gastroduodenitis necessarily excludes this minimum list of products:

Exacerbations of gastroduodenitis

Most often, exacerbations occur in the spring and autumn. And this is typical for all chronic diseases - nature changes, which is perceptible for a person. The daily diet, way of life , well-being changes. In the summer and winter, there is usually a remission.

Diet with exacerbation of gastroduodenitis does not differ in anything from the strict diet number 5A, which is used for most foodborne diseases.

On a regular basis, the patient should not eat hot and not cold, namely a room temperature food. The food should be regular (5 - 6 times a day), small portions, because one of the most common causes of gastroduodenitis - a violation of the food regime, when for once the person gorges for the whole day.

Vegetables and fruits should be thermally processed - boiled, stewed, baked, steamed. Meat and fish - lean and not fried (all other cooking methods are welcome). Soups - mashed, soups, mashed potatoes, dairy and cereal soups. Kashi - boiled, with a homogeneous consistency (for example, rice and semolina). Especially useful for the restoration of damaged mucous membrane proteins and culture of living bacteria contained in dairy products.