Nutrition for hepatitis C

Everyone knows that hepatitis is an infectious disease that primarily affects the liver of a person. Hepatitis C can not be "defeated" in 1-2 months, treatment can last for a rather long time. Therefore, specialists pay special attention to their patients' factors that will contribute to recovery. The most important for liver hepatitis is nutrition.

Proper nutrition with hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is the third type of disease that affects the liver. This is one of the most complex varieties of the disease, because the virus, when ingested, instantly penetrates into its smallest cells. Therefore, the process of recovery in hepatitis C requires nutrition that restores the liver.

The diet should include foods rich in vitamins: vegetables, fruits and berries, dairy products, lean boiled meat and fish, dishes from cereals and legumes, seeds and nuts. They will allow the body of a patient with hepatitis C to get enough energy and energy in order to fight the disease. To the above products, doctors add a large amount of fluid consumed by the patient during the day. And the liquid can be considered mineral water without gas, green tea , natural freshly squeezed juices, and even soup. Thus, sweet, salty and fat with such a liver disease are categorically contraindicated, since their properties do not bring any benefit, for nothing making the liver work hard. As a consequence, the biochemical composition of the blood is disrupted, the blood glucose level rises, and the effectiveness of the drugs is repeatedly reduced.

Hepatitis C - diet and nutrition

Nutrition for hepatitis C should be designed in such a way that it completely excludes the use of coffee, canned food, semi-finished products (including frozen ones), and also alcohol. Despite the complexity of the disease, experts have developed a sparing diet. It consists of 5 meals throughout the day. All dishes must first be cooked steamed or boiled, then - ground to a puree state. It looks like this:

  1. The patient is offered breakfast oatmeal, cottage cheese and a glass of tea
  2. As a second breakfast, it's best to eat a medium-sized green apple.
  3. Lunch consists of vegetable soup with a slice of low-fat meat and compote.
  4. For dinner, boiled lean fish, mashed potatoes and a glass of tea
  5. The last meal - before going to bed - a glass of yogurt and a bit of lean cookies.

Nutrition for hepatitis C completely excludes the consumption of sugar, but it can be replaced with sweet berries and fruits, for example, bananas.