Weekly Diet

Lose weight in a week is a very real task, but if you lose weight as much as you want, that's another question. Doctors recommend losing weight not more than 1 kg per week, but that does not suit us: weekly restrictions for a kilogram, whose absence will not even be noticeable. No, we need a kilogram of 3-4, at least. Is it useful? You yourself know that you do not. But if you really need ..., then we better tell you all the subtleties of weekly diets.

Fat Burning Diet

The essence of the weekly protein diet in a strict alternation of protein , vegetable-fruit, and carbohydrate products, with carbohydrates, naturally, will be in the minority - up to 20 grams per day. Your day should be divided into 4 meals. Breakfast should be held no later than 2 hours after waking up, dinner - 20.00.

During breakfast, we combine 1 protein product with 1 fruit / vegetable product. Lunch during a week diet for weight loss consists of proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates. A snack of protein and carbohydrates, and a supper of proteins and vegetables.

As you can see, protein is an integral part of such a diet. The reason is that the body spends most of its energy on protein digestion. Thus, we increase energy expenditure and reduce the daily intake of calories, which leads to weight loss.

Kefir diet

Weekly kefir diet is a classic of the genre. Yes, strict, yes, after it about kefir many more and do not want to hear, but who will say that it is not effective? The first six days of the diet, we daily use 1.5 liters of kefir and add one product per day:

On the sixth day the products are not added, you can increase the consumption of kefir up to 2 liters. And the seventh day is total unloading on pure still water (1.5-2 liters).

Diet Models

Do you want to finish your body to the maximum, and weigh a la top model? Well, if you are 20 years old and do not take away health, then this an effective weekly diet, of course, outlive. However, after 30 you should not so exhaust yourself, the metabolism will not forgive you. The menu is as follows: