Diet in case of pancreatic disease

Diet for pancreatic disease is necessary throughout life, but most people remember it only when they experience an exacerbation, in which it is simply impossible not to turn to all possible measures. However, at a time when you have severe pancreatic pain, a diet may not help without additional medications.

Diet with exacerbation of the pancreas

If you experience a severe attack of exacerbation, any doctor will advise you for a few days at all to give up eating in favor of an easy drinking diet, during which your internal organs adapt and will be able to return to normal functioning. Usually, such seizures are the result of improper diet: an abundance of spicy, spicy, food or eaten fat dish can lead to such an acute reaction of the body.

Drinking diet for problems with the pancreas should last at least 2-3 days. The first day is best to drink only water, herbal tea. Usually food is organized through a dropper, through which water is supplied with alkali. In addition, it is recommended to apply a cooling compress to the area of ​​the body, under which the pancreas is located - so the inflammation will rather drag on and stop causing unpleasant sensations.

After a few days, the ration is added with curdled milk, which is taken half a cup about once an hour. Such a split food allows you to gently include the digestive organs in the work. If this is tolerated well, then in a day or two you can add to the ration low-fat cottage cheese, then a couple of days later - crushed products. Only if at this stage the state of health is fairly smooth, you can add all other products - only first in the shredded form, and then in all the others. Of course, a diet with a sick pancreas prohibits spicy, fatty, spicy, hot food, and this should be taken into account not only at the time of recovery, but also in everyday life, even when the horror of these days is forgotten.

Take into account that such a diet with exacerbation of the pancreas does not tolerate divergence: if you miss one of the stages, chances are great to spoil everything and again appear under the dropper.

Diet in case of pancreatic disease

In order to continue not to bring yourself to such a terrible condition, try to always adhere to the elementary rules that allow you to maintain health at a normal level. To do this, simply exclude the following foods from the diet and never recall their existence:

Even such elementary measures will allow you to adapt to your disease much better. In addition, adhering to such a diet, you are unlikely to experience problems with excess weight, which can not but rejoice.

The main thing that you need to learn is that no magic pill will help your body cope with heavy food, and even if it quickly removes symptoms, it will not allow you to cope with the very problem, whose roots usually lie much deeper. That's why, if you have found out such a disease, do not push yourself to extremes, when you can eat only cereals and steam cutlets, and immediately take care of your health and choose the right food.