Gout - treatment and diet

Gout is one of the types of arthritis. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the joints and the accumulation around the affected joint of the crystals of uric acid. Gout occurs in two cases:

However, it is possible to have a parallel action of both premises.


The main measure of treatment is a change in the food regime once and for all.

The principle of treatment and diet for gout more than predictable - purine metabolism should be normalized by reducing the intake of the purines themselves with food. Also, the consumption of animal fats and proteins, sodium salts should be minimized.


Let's start with those products that have no place in our antipurin diet for gout:

The diet for gout patients involves minimizing the following products in the daily menu:

Animal fats are excluded because they affect the secretion of uric acid, and alcohol - affects the ability to excrete uric acid by the kidneys.

What you can eat during a diet for the treatment of gout disease:

When gout is useful alkaline mineral water, and in general liquid food and more drinking. In the absence of contraindications from the kidneys, you can increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2.5 liters. Drink follows herbal decoctions, compotes, not strong teas (green, berry, herbal), broth of dogrose, juices, fruit drinks, tea with milk.

Complete starvation is strictly excluded, but unloading days have a positive effect on the patient's condition. 1 - 2 times a week you can spend kefir, fruit-vegetable or curd-kefir day. This promotes alkalization of urine and the dissolution of lactic acid.


The diet for exacerbation of gout is mainly based on liquid food. Let's look at the approximate menu of the patient with an exacerbation of the disease:








Every day, before breakfast and as a snack, you should drink a glass of rose hip broth. Before going to bed you need to drink a glass of yogurt or curdled milk. Between meals (30 minutes before and after meals) to drink light tea with lemon, compotes of fruits and dried fruits.