Diet with thrush

Candida yeast fungi live in every organism, but they do not interfere with us at all, until their growth does not increase rapidly. This leads to the appearance of a disease such as thrush. In women, as is known, candidiasis occurs ten times more often than men.

Chronic thrush

Chronic thrush, or as it is also called relapsing, can worsen more than four times in one year. Most often this is associated with weakened immunity. Also, relapses can be observed with neglected disease, when the walls of the vagina are seriously damaged by candida fungi. The main causes of chronic thrush are: hormonal disorders, genital herpes, chronic infectious diseases, chronic intestinal diseases, long-term antibiotic use, etc.

Diet with thrush

To prevent the disease from turning into a chronic form and spreading to the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to proceed quickly to treatment. During thrush diet is more than necessary. Diet in the treatment of thrush should not contain alcohol and sweet - these are the foods that most like Candida fungi.

Initially, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora, for this purpose it is necessary to include food bran, natural yoghurt, cranberry, juices, compotes in food. Also in the diet you need to have more salty foods - herring, marinades, pickles. Spices and spices also compete well with fungal cultures. And vitamin preparations will significantly improve the resistance of the body and increase your immunity.

Against the thrush is also good to help lingonberries, lemon, cloves, sea kale, carrot juice. In a diet with thrush in your diet should be enough products with antifungal action. The ideal product is garlic. It will not be superfluous for the prevention of thrush, and during the treatment of candidiasis. It is also necessary to constantly replenish the body with bacteria - natural competitors of fungi. Also in the treatment it is important to use yoghurts with live cultures of beneficial bacteria. Beware only of sweet yoghurts, because sugar, as we have already said, contributes to the growth of fungal flora. Scientists have found that daily consumption of fermented milk products with beneficial bacterial cultures reduces the risk of thrush development by 35-40%.

Folk treatment of thrush

The treatment of candidiasis with folk remedies is associated with the creation of an alkaline environment that will be fatal for this type of disease. Although the alkaline environment in some cases can be a favorable environment for the causative agents of bacteria of venereal diseases. Therefore, ideally, you should not self-medicate.

But, if you decided to cure milkwoman folk remedies, you can use syringing with infusion of birch buds, juniper and celandine (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water).

You can prepare and harvest from herbs yarrow, sage leaves and rosemary and herbs oak. All the ingredients take a teaspoon, pour three liters of water and boil. Good for daily rinsing.

Also, douching with infusion of chamomile, oak bark, sporage grass, nettle leaves will not be superfluous.

The most important ingredient in these recipes is the oak bark. This natural material has long been known for its ability to repair damaged mucous membranes. Chamomile is also known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. To a greater extent, for treating thrush, you can get by with these two means, while the role of other ingredients is not great.