Initial letter of medicinal

For many centuries the initial medicine was used as a laxative and emetic, healed respiratory organs and helped to heal fresh wounds and cuts. Nowadays the plant is almost forgotten by official medicine, and absolutely undeservedly! You can use a drop of medicinal herb to treat many ailments.

Areas of application of the dropship drug

To prepare medicinal broths and tinctures, you can take the entire aboveground part of the plant, that is, leaves, stems and flowers. Do not be surprised if during the collection of raw materials begin to sneeze - the pollen of the drop capsule causes hypersensitivity to the nasal mucosa and almost always provokes sneezing, this is not an allergic reaction, so it does not pose a health hazard. The root of the plant used to be used to treat constipation, but after similar properties were found in the stems, the collection of the rhizomes of the initial letter lost its meaning.

The healing properties of the initial letter are difficult to overestimate. The most valuable components of this herb are bitterness and tannins. They allow you to apply the plant in the following areas:

Instructions for the use of a drop capsule

Best medicinal properties of the herb letter are revealed in the decoction. To enhance the effect, you can combine the initial letter with the dry colors of lime, or leaves of mint - these plants cause the effect of synergy. The broth is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Take equal parts of the powder from the dry shredded plants, mix.
  2. Pour 3 tbsp. spoon mixture of grasses 0.3 liters of boiling water, cover, put on a weak fire.
  3. Cook for 3-4 minutes, remove from heat, cool, without lifting the lid.
  4. Strain the broth, drink during the day in small portions, or use according to the instructions of the doctor.

This scheme is suitable for the treatment of constipation, gastric stop, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is effective in the treatment of colds and complications after them. If there is a need to treat skin diseases, the decoction is used as a compress. With a cold and sinus, it can be buried in the nose 4-5 drops in each nostril every 2 hours.

With insomnia and a constant sense of anxiety, you can drink tea from the flowers and leaves of the initial letter. Prepare it is not difficult:

  1. You need to pour 2 teaspoons of chopped dry grass 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Allow the liquid to stand under the lid for 10 minutes.

Plant medicinal drop can be called universal - it has strong fortifying properties and can be used as an auxiliary for outpatient treatment and therapy with medical products. However, there are some contraindications to this herb.

First and foremost, you should not be treated with a baby letter to pregnant women and children. Older patients are better off using a reduced dosage of the drug. The use of a drop-in at poisoning and indigestion. Liquid chair this herb will make it even more liquid, which can lead to dehydration of the body.

To the contra-indications of the medicinal drop are also various kinds of allergic reactions. If you have already had cases of allergy caused by some kind of irritant, most likely the hypersensitivity will also appear on the initial letter. Since the plant has a strong sedative effect, it should not be used to treat people in depression and various kinds of depressed states.

In general, treatment with the help of the initial letter is usually well tolerated and does not cause side effects.