We sculpt from plasticine with children

For children molding from plasticine - a very interesting activity. It contributes to the development of small motor skills of the baby, the development of concepts of color, form, quality of objects, reveals the creative aspects of the child. But do not forget that for children of different ages it is necessary to select assignments corresponding to their capabilities, as well as different types of materials for modeling. We will talk about this.

For children from one year to two clay is not suitable. It is quite rigid, viscous, and yet not strengthened fingers can not grind it well. Therefore at this age children will get a salty dough. Why salty? That children do not drag it into the mouth. Recipe for the test: 2 cups of flour, a cup of salt, hot water (in the refrigerator you can store it after 2 weeks). You can add in it gouache, watercolor, so that it would be more interesting for the baby to play with the color test. What is more interesting to mold from the test? After molding, you can dry the finished figurines in the oven and enjoy the result.

Teaching children to sculpt from home plasticine

Children in 1,5 - 2 years can do with the test the following:

When you learn such simple things, you can safely embark on more complex tasks. Take a plastic plate, put a thick layer of dough into it, and then, together with the baby, fix in it any twigs, sticks, bumps. In a word - do it!

If your child is already 2-3 years old, you can safely transfer to plasticine. The most important thing is that it should be free of flavors, otherwise you can not escape the phrase on the phone 03 "my child ate plasticine." But about this later.

How to teach a child to sculpt from plasticine?

The basic small training exercises we have already described above. When the kid learns to do them, go to more complex tasks. Prepare a special plank, as well as various molds for modeling. Roll out the clay and ask the child to cut them. This is a great pleasure.

Now proceed to the mosaic. Voluminous large sculptures are still difficult at this age for children, but to mold various figures from plasticine on paper along the contour - this can be handled. It can be numbers, letters, small pictures. Various natural materials can be used. The baby will strengthen on a plasticine basis cereals, seeds, ossicles.

Then proceed to the relief. Your handmade items will be bigger and more interesting in the eyes of the child. For example, roll a few balls - blind the snowman. Fix it on cardboard or a special plate, slightly pressing down plasticine.

Closer to 3 years, boldly start sculpting sculptures: plants, uncomplicated animals.

We sculpt from plasticine with older children

When your child turns 5-6 years old or more, you can engage in joint creativity. You can create real masterpieces - "game landscapes". In the course will go buttons, threads, sticks, groats. This will be a huge playground, the creation of which you and your child will spend more than one hour. And in the future the kid will play with his toys in such homemade areas: doll houses, railways, small towns.

Safety precautions

Be sure to explain to your child that you can not take in your mouth and eat dough or clay - that's wrong, harmful. But if you are still faced with the fact that your child ate plasticine or put it in your nose, do not try to deal with it yourself. Immediately call an ambulance.