Treatment of joints by banks at home

Banks in non-traditional medicine have been recognized for a very long time. For our grandmothers and grandfathers, the remedy for a cold, better than this, was not found. Today, the treatment of joints by banks at home again becomes popular. This so-called vacuum therapy attracts its effectiveness. Moreover, positive changes after its application become noticeable much faster than with traditional methods.

The action of jars on the knee and other joints

Therapy involves the use of special jars. But at home, as practice shows, any vessels can go to play. The adherents of the vacuum treatment assure that the banks get rid of:

In the treatment of joints by medical banks, there is one drawback - traces on the skin, formed after their use. But experts say that they are the indicator of the quality of therapy.

There is an opinion that the bruises that remain on the body after the treatment of the joints by the banks are not quite hematomas. Knowledgeable people call them effusions of blood. That is, redness is not pure blood, but a mixture of it with protein plasma substrates and various biologically active substances. The latter help the body to launch its own defenses. That, accordingly, accelerates the process of recovery.

How to treat knee joints with cans?

During the procedure, you need to lie on your back. Under the knee, it is desirable to put a roller or cushion. Banks of medium size should be clasped on the soft tissues of the hip in front and side, and small - on the inside. The procedure should continue for about five minutes. The optimal course consists of seven to nine sessions. Between them it is recommended to take a break in a couple of days.