Lumbago treatment

Few, who do not know lumbago in the lower back with a sharp physical load or temperature changes, as well as during hypothermia. Lumbago or sharp pain in the lumbar spine is a disease that, in addition to pain, is also characterized by the tension of the dorsal muscles to such an extent that often a person is unable to change an uncomfortable forced position or straighten up. Such seizures last for several days, and without adequate treatment the situation is only aggravated.

Lumbago disease - how to treat?

The main thing is a qualitatively conducted diagnostics that will help to determine the exact cause of the disease and choose the necessary treatment. With lumbago, there is a mandatory appointment for treatment at home. First of all, in any case, the patient is assigned bed rest. And you do not have to lie on feather featherbeds, but on a fairly hard surface. Doctors often recommend using a thin mattress, laying under it a wooden board. On the physical load these days, you can not even think.

Medicines for lumbago

Do not get by with lumbago and from medication treatment. Symptomatic treatment begins with the appointment of the following drugs:

In addition to preparations for oral administration, topically applied ointments are also prescribed. They contain the same anti-inflammatory drugs and allow even faster to get rid of pain. When lumbago can also be treated with injections - this way of administering anti-inflammatory drugs is safer and the drugs work faster.

Local procedures

Physiotherapy methods do not have 100% proven efficacy for lumbago, but such treatment is still universally applied. These include:

Acupuncture is used along with manual therapy, hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) and massages. The main thing that such treatment was conducted by the expert, possessing sufficient experience in the given sphere. All these methods are designed to eliminate pain syndrome, relieve inflammation and improve blood and lymph flow in the lumbar region. The massage is usually gentle, its duration is small, and the movements are very soft and carried out without pressure and force.

Not a day without gymnastics

In an acute period, physical activity is, of course, contraindicated. But after the removal of inflammation and pain, it is necessary to perform a simple complex of gymnastic exercises (physical exercises) every day, whose task is to strengthen the dorsal muscles, and the entire muscular corset. After full recovery the doctor necessarily recommends the patient moderate daily exercise (swimming, pilates ).

Treatment of lumbago with folk remedies

The folk methods used in lumbago are ointments, herbal decoctions and infusions that effectively relieve inflammation, have anti-edematous and sedative effects. The plants used for these purposes are: