Ledger water from lice

Capricious water is a toxic agent, which is made from the hellebore Lobel - the perennial of the family Lily. The plant grows high, up to two meters, and has pale green flowers. All parts of the plant, including fruits, are poisonous. From one touch to the root, itching, burning, and then in this area is lost sensitivity. If you inhale his pollen, sneezing, lacrimation and other unfavorable symptoms begin.

In ancient times, during the Roman Empire, the helper was used in agriculture to poison insects and rodents, and to this day this practice has been partially preserved.

In veterinary medicine chicken is treated for parasites in cattle, and in dogs and pigs it is used as an emetic.

In the official medicine, drugs with chegerye are limited due to strong toxicity, and if used, it is only outwardly.

Does the nematic water kill nits?

Nits are lice eggs, and in the instructions to the drug it is indicated that the chicken water has a neurotoxic effect on sexually mature insects, and this means that the chinese water from nits does not save and only affects lice.

Peculiarities of the influence of chinese water on the organism

Potemkin water is used externally, and is almost not absorbed into the skin. But if you use this remedy for a long time and actively rub it, the negative consequences of the toxic remedy will be noticeable.

In pregnancy, no chloride water is used, only in extreme cases, if a woman at pediculosis is in greater danger than from a toxic substance.

During lactation with the use of cotyledonous water, breastfeeding is prohibited.

How to get lice with chinese water?

The use of crooked water from lice should be very careful:

  1. Before treating the head with crocus water, shake the bottle and put on rubber gloves for safety.
  2. Then apply to wet hair and the scalp. In this case, pay special attention to the occipital part, since there, as a rule, there are more lice. Another area that should be given special attention is behind the ears.
  3. After that, tie a kerchief on your head or put on a shower cap.
  4. After 30 minutes, carefully wash your hair several times under running water with a shampoo , better tar.
  5. Then the hair needs to be combed with a new clean comb to remove the dead individuals.
  6. This procedure should be repeated after 10 days.

If the product gets into the eyes, on the mucous membranes or inside the body, there may be a strong toxic effect, so these areas need to be washed with water.