Fresh pastry dough

Despite the fact that the dough has received the title of fresh, this does not mean that it does not have any spices in the composition. A long time ago, dough was called without yeast in the composition, while the yeast dough was called sour. In the event that your relationship with yeast has not taken shape, you can cook no less tasty pastries on the dough without adding them, but we will describe in detail below how to prepare a fresh dough for pies.

Fresh dough on kefir for pies

Back in the old days, when pure yeast cultures were not added to the dough, sour-milk products were used as a starter and main lift. We will revive the tested recipe and prepare it in a modern manner using kefir as a basis.



Flour the flour directly on the work surface and make a "well" in the center of the hill. Pour into the well kefir and add a pinch of sugar or salt, depending on what you use as a filling for pies. With a fork, start picking the flour from the edges of the "well" and mix it with kefir. So, picking up a little, we knead an elastic and soft dough, not sticking to the hands or the surface. Roll out the dough and sprinkle the third soda. Fold the edges of the formation with an envelope and repeat this procedure first with one third of the remaining soda, and then with the second. Collect a fresh dough for pies in a lump, put in any oiled dishes and leave to rest in a cool for at least half an hour. Then you just have to prepare the filling and you can start making pies. Ready-made pies perfectly suited both roasting and baking.

Delicious fresh dough for pies on beer

This dough can not be called completely fresh, because as one of its main ingredients is beer, the yeast from which provides the ready-made baking air texture. Anyway, pure yeast culture from the package in this recipe is not necessary to add, that's why we decided to include this recipe in the article.



With so many ingredients and a little trouble, it will not take long. Take a larger container and pour the flour into it, then send a pinch of sea salt, then pour in the beer and melted butter. Knead all the ingredients together until you get a soft dough. Form a dough in a com and put a rest in the cool for at least three hours. During this time, the lump will double in size and the dough will be very much like a yeast. Now you can roll out and cut the dough into portions, then fill everything with stuffing and bake at 210 degrees, without forgetting to grease the patties with egg white.

Fresh dough for pasties in the oven

This recipe of the test is based on a mixture of two milk bases at once - kefir and sour cream, which, in the company of eggs and oils, turn into a magnificent analog of a yeast dough prepared without yeast, of course.

The dough for this recipe can be baked in the oven, or it can be deep-fried.



Whisk the egg with a good pinch of salt and pour melted butter and dairy products - kefir and sour cream to it. Whisk everything to form a homogeneous mass and get the baking, which we will pour into the sieved flour. Start mixing all the ingredients together until you get a soft and plastic lump that will then need to be left to rest for half an hour to facilitate the rolling process. Roll out the dough, it should be divided into equal portions and put in the center of the filling. After latching the edges, place the patties on parchment and bake until tender.