The sign "Spider in the house"

Few when there is a person who does not consider that spiders in the house are not only disgusting and terrible, but in some cases dangerous for the health of the inhabitants of such a dwelling. In the best case, there are those who treat these insects either poorly or in general indifferently. But, if you flip through the many forums, you can be sure that the sign "Spider in the house" is relevant to this day. After all, such superstitions are not just empty phrases, but certain consequences of certain specific situations that have been observed for centuries and have been handed down from generation to generation.

Signs of the spiders

Spiders have always been associated with insight and coolness. Thus, in Egyptian history there is special respect for this creature. After all, according to legend, he saved the sacred heir with the help of a cobweb, which, in turn, disguised the entrance to the cave.

There is a large number of both positive and negative superstitions associated with these mohnolapami. Let us consider this in more detail.

  1. The sign "To see the spider". As you know, this is one of the most common superstitions and it says that if the spider in the house lives, then be sure: it helps your family get rid of thoughts that destroy you, and eliminates unnecessary quarrels. Moreover, the spider is perfectly aware of the approaching weather conditions. Therefore, when you see that this representative of arthropods is struggling to the corner with all its might, remember that you should be waiting for a gusty wind. In the case when he loves to swell a thick web, - surely there will be a drought.
  2. Signs about the web. By the way, about cobwebs. Not only because in the behavior of its owner you can see the hidden signs, but also by how and where it is located in your house. So, if a spider on a web is a clear symbol of good. It is believed that killing him at the moment, you will attract only a failure in your home. If you are disgusted by such a neighbor, gently use a paper or a small stick to shift the spider. After that, take him outside. Then do not forget about the silver cobweb woven by him. With extreme caution, collect it, put it in a linen pocket. Know that from now on he is your talisman, bringing success. If you stumble on the angular web, pay attention to what it says about the negatively accumulated energy in the room. It is recommended to "clean" the apartment on a spiritual level. Spiders - lovers of weaving web patterns, so finding one of them under some furniture, know that he helps you in the housekeeping in all ways.
  3. The sign "The spider is crawling." The value will differ depending on which way the spider crawls and at what time of day you witness such a movement. So, if he crawls in the morning, it is believed that carries a bad omen . Do not take any important decisions on this day. If you see him after dinner, safely expect good luck. Signs associated with that, if the spider descends to your side, indicate a profit, if it moves in the opposite direction - about unforeseen expenses.
  4. Clothes and spiders. It is important to note that almost all "spider" signs have a good value. If you saw that the insect crawls up on your clothes, then you can be happy, because soon you will have a new dress in your wardrobe. You will catch a small red spider, put it in your pocket and always it will be full of money.
  5. Spider outside the house. No less positive is the superstition associated with a "meeting" with a spider outside the home. So, if you saw that the creature is moving towards you, you can safely regard it as a good sign.

Remember that any sign can be endowed with positive meaning only when you believe in its implementation.