Slag-free diet for cleansing the body

Among all the variety of dietary nutrition systems, there are those that are aimed not only at combating obesity, but also for improving the body. Slag-free diet is a vivid example. What are the principles of such a "useful" diet and for what it is applied is a matter of no small importance.

Diet from toxins and toxins

Signs slagging the body:

Diet to cleanse the body of toxins helps improve overall health, the functioning of brain activity and improve the performance of a person. In addition, it will remove from the body harmful radicals, accumulated slag and excess fluid. And thanks to this cleansing will improve the complexion, the condition of the hair, nails, and also reduce the signs of cellulite.

Slag-free diet - what can you eat?

Any dietary food system involves the inclusion of a specific set of products in the menu. Slag-free diet is no exception. Ideally, for these purposes it is better to use organic products grown directly in your area, since they are the most suitable for your body. The food can be well assimilated, and the process of purification will pass quickly and qualitatively.

What you can eat with a slag-free diet:

Slag-free menu diet before colonoscopy

This examination is conducted to determine the condition of the large intestine for the detection of negative factors (cracks, ulcers, etc.). Slag-free diet before the examination is appointed very often, because this food system allows you to cleanse the intestines from accumulated slags and harmful substances that interfere with a complete examination of the internal organ.

Diet for two days before the examination:

  1. The first meal is 150 grams of cabbage, steamed, 200 ml of mineral water.
  2. Lunch - 200 ml of soup, prepared from beets, carrots, sweet peppers and leeks. 200 g of boiled oat flakes and a cup of green tea.
  3. Dinner - 250 grams of cod (halibut or hake), steamed, a couple of cucumbers and fruit jelly.
  4. The second dinner is 200 ml of yogurt.

The day before the colonoscopy:

  1. The first meal is 200 grams of oatmeal cooked on the water, a glass of herbal decoction.
  2. Lunch - 250 ml vegetable broth, a piece of dried otrubnogo bread, 200 ml of mineral water.
  3. Dinner - a glass of yogurt.
  4. The second dinner is a cup of karkade without sugar.

Slag-free diet before irrigoscopy

Before this type of research in the diet is introduced semolina porridge, chicken fillet, hake, cod, steamed , butter. In addition, you can diversify the menu with a variety of (but not strong) broths, kefir, yogurt, eggs, boiled rice, compotes and light tea. Diet for the removal of toxins is introduced two days before the irrigoscopy, and in the presence of problems with the stool - for four days. On the eve of the procedure, only grinded, slightly liquid food should be present in the menu.

Slag-free diet - menu for the week

For a complete cleaning of the body from harmful accumulations, it is necessary to adhere to such a dietary food system for at least 7 days. A slag-free diet, the menu of which will be considered further, will help to feel much better and if you follow these recommendations unquestioningly, there will not be any problems with observing the diet.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday:

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday:


How to get out of the slag-free diet?

To maintain the positive results of this power system, you need to get out of it correctly and extremely carefully. Maintaining a fractional meal, each week is allowed to enter only one diet-prohibited product. Do not forget about the water balance. Diet from slag does not support the combination of different food groups. This means that it is extremely undesirable for one meal to eat foods that contain both proteins and carbohydrates.