How to cook turkey fillet?

Turkey meat is one of the best protein foods for human nutrition, it has a minimum of fat and a large number of useful compounds. You can consider the meat of a turkey diet, it is easily absorbed by the human body, so, safely include in your menu this valuable component.

Tell you how you can cook delicious turkey fillet. We choose meat from the breast, fresh or freshly frozen (in this case, it is thawed in the refrigerator to preserve the structure). C hips and calf shanks of the turkey can also cut off rather big pieces of meat, but it is slightly fatter.

How to cook?

Of course, it's best to boil, it's still good to stew or bake. The last two methods give the best taste results.

Turkey fillet, baked in the oven in light spicy sauce


For sauce:


Before baking, we do not dress meat - so we will preserve its natural taste and aroma - they are quite appetizing in themselves. Additional tastes will give us a sauce.

Meat (in the form of large pieces) is washed and dried with a clean cloth. Put it in a greased refractory deep form. We cover it with a lid or we pack it with foil. In principle, you can use the foil instead of the shape.

Bake the meat for 50-60 minutes. If you want a crispy cracked crust - remove the lid (or unfold the foil) and finish the last 10 minutes bake in the open.

Prepare the sauce: pumpkin flesh and avocado fruit, greens, peeled garlic and red hot pepper in a blender until smooth. Season with nutmeg, add and lime juice of lime or lemon. You can also add dairy cream, mustard, quail eggs, strong white wine to this sauce.

Cut the baked turkey fillet into slices and decorate the dish with fresh herbs. You can pour meat sauce immediately or serve it in a separate bowl. As a side dish, polenta, beans or boiled potatoes are suitable, it is also good to serve fresh vegetables and fruits.

Turkey fillet with vegetables in a frying pan

Frying is not the best way to heat food products, so we will fry fast, using healthy fats.



Meat cut into short strips or medium-sized oblong pieces, onions - quarter rings, sweet pepper - straws. Fat or oil is heated in a frying pan. Lightly fry the onion, when it only slightly changes the color, add the meat. Fry on medium-high heat for 5-8 minutes, constantly shaking the frying pan and actively turning the contents of the spatula. Add pepper, stir, prepare for another 4 minutes, then pour in tequila (or other strong alcohol), ignite and flambe for 3 minutes. We shoot off the remains of the flame with a lid, add lemon juice, season with hot red pepper and garlic. Serve with corn tortillas and / or rice.

Turkey fillet with potatoes in tomato sauce



Finely chop the onion lightly in a cauldron or stewpot on overheated fat, then add the turkey fillet cut into small pieces. Stew for 30-40 minutes (you can add water if necessary), then we put into the cauldron the peeled potato sliced ​​arbitrarily. When the potatoes are almost ready, we introduce a little diluted with water tomato paste and spices. We bring it and let it stand under the lid for 10 minutes. We serve the finished dish, sprinkled with chopped garlic and greens.