It seems that these animals love to smell flowers more than you do!

Dream about when the spring will come into its own, the air will be filled with long-awaited warmth and in the city park you can take a deep breath of the aroma of the first flowers?

You will not believe, but the brothers of our smaller dreams are no less romantic and exalted, and they too are looking forward to dipping their noses into bright fragrant buds!

1. Yes, you just look - this cat is not just an amateur, but a real connoisseur of flowers!

2. No, we definitely did not expect this!

3. Here it is - flower happiness!

4. Oh, it's all for me?

5. Ka-ah-ah!

6. It smells just amazing ...

7. Interesting, but it tastes as pleasant as the smell?

8. That's how I would sit days ...

9. What kind of Milot!

10. All the same I'll reach it!

11. This scent has turned my head ...

12. Is it true that its forms are perfect?

13. I'll give you more tomorrow!

14. What is his captivating flavor ...

15. Now it's for sure - spring has come!

16. Master, will you take me?

17. No, I will not pass by such beauty ...

18. And the cats are still those romantics ...

19. Well hang out, guys ...

20. And let the whole world wait!

21. Well, is not that cute?

22. True, you did not even guess how animals love flowers?

23. It looks like this frame will "make" your day!

24. And pandas do not always need only delicious ...

25. Oh, how sensual they are!

26. Did you notice this for your pet?

27. Complicating!

28. This is exactly what we did not expect from foxes!

29. And here's how to pass by?

30. Well, everything - this baby moved our heart!