Low Pregnancy Pressure

Bearing a child becomes one of the most beautiful moments of life for a woman. But sometimes pregnancy is marred by health problems. Among pathologies in expectant mothers, such a disease as arterial hypotension, or low blood pressure, is not uncommon. During pregnancy, hypotension returns to women already familiar with it, or appears for the first time. And then future mothers want to find out why pregnant women have low blood pressure. And most of all they care how to increase the pressure in pregnant women without harm to the child.

What is the normal pressure in pregnant women?

When measuring pressure, two indicators are used: upper systolic and lower diastolic pressure. The first indicator determines the activity of the heart, which pumps blood into the aorta and further along the arteries, the second characterizes the tone of the vessels. So, pressure informs on a condition both hearts, and vessels. Usually the indices are normally equal to 120/80 with a slight deviation. However, future moms because of their situation, hormonal changes occur, so that their pressure drops slightly, especially in the first trimester. And an acceptable reduction in pressure in pregnant women is considered to be a level of 100/60. The indicators below usually indicate a pathological condition.

Causes and symptoms of low blood pressure in pregnant women

In addition to physiological hypotension associated with a change in the hormonal background, the pressure may decrease due to a serious illness:

To suspect low pressure in a pregnant woman, you can by the following symptoms and signs:

A woman does not necessarily feel all of the above signs at the same time. But at the appearance of at least a few of them it is necessary to inform your gynecologist.

Low blood pressure and pregnancy: possible risks

With arterial hypotension, it is possible to develop a pathological condition such as gestosis characterized by impaired vascular function, the appearance of edema and protein in the urine.

The main danger in hypotension is the deterioration of placental blood flow and, accordingly, inadequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. As a consequence, low blood pressure in pregnant women increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, slowing the development and growth of the fetus.

Decreased pressure in the pregnant woman affects the course of childbirth. Because of a breach of the contractile activity of the uterus, a cesarean section may be required.

How to raise the pressure of a pregnant woman?

Under reduced pressure, which does not affect the general well-being of a woman, medication is not required. Enough gymnastics, nutrition correction, contrast shower.

If low blood pressure disturbs sleep, it is possible to take safe sleeping pills (eg, suprastin). A tonic effect is provided by such drugs as Apilac, Pantotine, Aralia tincture, Eleutherococcus extract, which, in addition to increasing pressure, contribute to well-being, restoring sleep and working capacity.

Some drugs are prescribed only by a doctor - Riboxin, Iazrin, Fetanol, etc.

Than to raise pressure of the pregnant woman in house conditions? A woman in the position can drink a cup of soft coffee or sweet tea, eat a chocolate bar, a sandwich with cheese or some dried apricots.