What is yoga for?

Weight loss , muscles, spine, treatment of many diseases - no, we will not agitate you with such platitudes. About what yoga is needed at one time, one German psychologist has already said.

V. Reich and Yoga

Actually, Reich did not speak specifically about yoga. He talked about psychological trauma, which is converted into muscle clamps. Just imagine a suffering person. What is his facial expression, facial expressions, gestures? His whole body is clenched, tense, we are suffering completely from the tips of our toes to the top. As we know, there is a kind of muscle memory that helps us to learn the movements, to stretch. So, this very specific memory remembers the position of the woeful body.

What in the end? The problem resolved itself, but the body remembered everything. From now on, you will wear a body that takes the form of grief. It is a shell that binds our movements and does not allow us to be a liberated, happy, carefree person.

So, going back to what yoga is for. With the help of yoga your body learns to be liberated. The armor is torn, the muscles and nerve endings relax. The body with a new force beats the flow of blood and vital energy.

And most importantly, yoga protects from the formation of new "shells." You will be able to live happily, enlightened, as if you were once again in a carefree childhood.

And all the rest…

And now about the rest.

Asanas of yoga and pranayama perform a kind of massage of the internal organs of the body, working not only external, but also the deepest muscles. If someone else has a question, why do yoga, we will answer that this massage normalizes the work of the endocrine, digestive, nervous, respiratory and urogenital system. Of course, harmonizing the metabolism , all other functions of the body are being adjusted, including, the desired weight loss is achieved.

We must not forget to say about the spine. After all, it is the spine that is the pillar through which the vital energy flows - from the Universe to our body. In yoga, there is always an emphasis on stretching the spine, which will soon affect the improved posture.