Grape Diet

Grape diet is a great way to lose weight for those who like fruit. Despite the fact that the grapes are rich in fructose and very caloric, you can still lose weight on it. There are several types of diets, including this delicious product. Consider the most popular options, how you can use grapes for weight loss.

Is it possible to have grapes during a diet?

Can I lose weight from grapes? Yes, it is possible, but it is important to give up high-calorie food, since there are 65 calories per 100 grams in grapes, which is quite a lot for fruit. That is why it is better to apply a grape diet to those who have accumulated a lot of excess weight, rather than 3-5 kilograms.

Grapes: one day weight loss

In order to lose weight on grapes, you can 1-2 times a week, but be sure to be stable, arrange unloading days. The diet is quite simple:

If you systematically apply such unloading days, then the weight can be slightly reduced. This method is best suited for maintaining and slow weight loss. With a diet, you can eat grapes 3 times a day, but it is better - fractional, 5-7 times a day little by little.

Grapes during a diet can be taken any you like. The variety has no special significance in this case.

Grapes: diet for 4 days

You can lose weight on grapes, even if you do not exclude other foods from the diet. But since the grapes are calories, you need to cut the day's diet. So, the menu for 4 days will be as follows:

The first day:

  1. Breakfast : in a glass of yogurt add a little muesli and grapes.
  2. Lunch : salad of vegetables and grapes, a small portion of boiled or baked meat.
  3. Supper : fruit salad, half chicken breast.

Second day:

  1. Breakfast : mix yogurt with pieces of grapes and nuts.
  2. Lunch : a small portion of boiled brown rice, boiled shrimps with grapes.
  3. Supper : vegetable stew without meat, a twig of grapes.

Day Three:

  1. Breakfast : a sprig of grapes, a sandwich with cottage cheese and greens.
  2. Lunch : fish, stewed with cabbage and grapes.
  3. Dinner : jelly from grapes with a minimum of sugar.

Day four:

  1. Breakfast : cottage cheese with grapes, a slice of bread.
  2. Lunch : pancakes stuffed with grapes.
  3. Dinner : turkey, stewed with vegetables and grapes.

Grapes with a diet need to eat moderately, to control portions. If you do everything right, you can lose 3-4 kilograms as a result.