Diet "7 days 10 kg"

Many people do not think about the fact that the weight gained for several months, or even years, should go away gradually. That's why so short diets like "minus 10 kg in 7 days" are very popular for health. We will consider one of these diets and denote what is its danger.

Minus 10 kg for a week - diet "Beloved"

Usually in the description of this diet is not said that the diet "7 days 10 kg" will act properly only for those who have a large number of extra pounds. If you only weigh 60 kg, you will hardly lose 1/6 of your weight.

So, what kind of diet are offered by the creators of the "Favorite" diet?

  1. 1st day: dietary entrance, all solid food is prohibited, only beverages are allowed: dairy, milk, broths, juices, tea, cocoa, etc.
  2. Day 2: vegetable day: it is allowed to eat absolutely any fresh vegetable salad, preferably with the addition of cabbage. As a dressing, soy sauce, vinegar , lemon juice or a small amount of vegetable oil, but not sour cream, mayonnaise and other purchased sauces will suit.
  3. 3rd day: a day with a drinking menu, all solid food is prohibited, only beverages are allowed in any kind and quantity (but they are all without sugar!).
  4. 4th day: fruit day - focus on citrus, apples, pears, apricots.
  5. 5th day: protein day - it is allowed to eat dairy products, boiled chicken and eggs.
  6. 6th day: again a day with a drinking menu, all solid food is prohibited, only beverages are allowed in any kind and quantity (but they are all without sugar!).
  7. 7th day: the day of exit from the diet, which should be done on proper nutrition. For breakfast - a couple of eggs, for lunch - broth, for dinner - a salad of vegetables. During the day, you can eat any fruit.

To reset 10 kg for a week on such a diet is really only for those who additionally He does sports and has a lot of excess weight.

What is the danger of a diet of "7 days 10 kg"?

Because of the sharp reduction in the diet, the metabolism is strongly inhibited, the body decides that the hungry times have come and goes on to economical energy consumption. It is physically impossible for seven days to split a large number of fat cells, so the weight is reduced by the withdrawal of fluid and emptiness in the stomach and intestines. All this comes back after a few days of normal nutrition. But because of the beat down from the usual rhythm of metabolism when returning to the usual diet, the weight may begin to increase.

To get a lasting result, you need to lose weight gradually and on proper nutrition, and not on destructive diets.