Allergies on the hands

If you have an allergy to the skin of your hands, there can be many reasons. After all, hands are in contact with the external environment most actively: they are put on gloves only in the cold season, but regardless of the season, they are exposed to hazards of varying severity - washing and cleaning products, too hot or very cold water, wind. Allergies on the hands can appear as a result of a chemical reaction, food poisoning, contact with pollen. What if this happened? First of all - do not panic.

Than to treat an allergy on arms or hand?

In the event that you have an allergy on your hands, the treatment may be different, depending on the cause of the allergy. But there are several ways to alleviate the symptoms of any allergic reaction:

  1. Determine the allergen and stop contact with it.
  2. Thoroughly wash hands, mucous of nose and throat with warm water.
  3. Drink a few glasses of water, if necessary, take a mild non-hormonal antihistamine, for example, Suprastin.
  4. Lubricate the skin with fat cream.

Most likely, the above measures will be enough to make itching and discomfort stop. If the redness does not pass, and blisters appear, it makes sense to buy a special ointment, designed to help with allergies on the hands. It can be:

They can be bought without a prescription without a problem in the pharmacy. All these means are non-hormonal creams that not only fight allergens, but also accelerate the regeneration of the skin, relieve swelling, heal cracks. A stronger drug can be used only as directed by a doctor.

Allergy to cold on hands

Quite common is allergy on the fingers, caused by exposure to cold, air, or water with low temperature. The easiest way to cope with trouble is to warm your hands well and dress in the weather. As prevention You can take vitamin C and drugs that strengthen immunity. But the most effective means in the fight against allergy to cold is cream. It can be a special antihistamine or Morozko cream. Yes that to dissemble, even the usual nutritious fat cream, even usual children's, quite will secure your fingers!

Here's how to recognize an allergy to cold:

Any of these symptoms should alert you.