Stewed potatoes with meat

Today we are going to prepare stewed potatoes and meat, as there are so many recipes for a favorite dish, that one can not do with one topic. In today's menu, potatoes stewed with vegetables, thick tomato sauce and mushrooms.

Stewed potatoes with meat and vegetables



Slice the beef cubes, season the meat with sea salt and sprinkle with flour. Preheat a little oil in the brazier and brown the beef cubes on it. When the meat grasps a characteristic golden brown color, take it to a separate dish, and instead put the cubes of potatoes, carrots, celery and onions. When vegetables also grasp blush, supplement them with thyme, passed through the press garlic and leaves. De -glaze the dishes with half a glass of wine, removing any particles of vegetables and meat adhering to the bottom and walls. Return the beef to a boiling wine sauce and allow the latter to evaporate by 2/3. Pour the contents of the broiler with broth and cover. Leave the stewed potatoes with meat to languish on low heat for 1.5-2 hours, periodically mixing the contents of the dishes.

Stewed potatoes with meat and mushrooms



If your cut of beef is fat, then get rid of it, and cut the remaining meat into large cubes and season with paprika, sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Add flour to the meat and mix again. Fry the beef until browned in a mixture of preheated oils, add garlic, potatoes, mushroom plates and wait until the mushroom moisture begins to come out. At this point, pour in the wine and allow the liquid to evaporate by 2/3. Fill the ragout with broth and leave to languish for an hour.

By the way, stew with potatoes can be made in a multivark, for this meat and vegetables are first fried in "Baking", and after adding wine you can switch to "Quenching".

How to cook stewed potatoes with meat in the oven?



Bring the oven temperature to 155 degrees. Season the diced beef and brown it in the preheated oil. To the fried meat, add large onion rings, potatoes, carrots and mushrooms, and when the moisture comes out of the last, squeeze a few garlic teeth into the brazier. Add the tomato paste and flour. Mix the ingredients, trying to get rid of flour flakes, and then pour in the wine and broth. Put a sprig of rosemary and bay leaf in the bowl, wait for the liquid to boil and replace the covered brazier in the oven. Thaw meat for a couple of hours, remembering from time to time to remove from the cabinet and mix. If necessary, additionally season the prepared dish and sprinkle it with herbs.

Since there are potatoes in this stew, there is no need for side dish, but a slice of fresh bread and a glass of red dry is very desirable.