
About how to cook Indian apple sauce chutney , we already wrote on the pages of our site. But the tradition of such a fruit sauce exists not only in the eastern cuisine. In Sweden they like to cook apple sauce for pork. In Germany, it is eaten with potato pancakes, in Holland - with French fries . And in France, apple sauce is a dessert.

Apple sour-sweet sauce recipe for meat



We clean the apples from the peel and core, cut into 4 parts. We put them in a heated deep frying pan and fill it with water. Add the finely chopped onions. Cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour. Add honey and chopped rosemary, mix. Tomine under the closed lid, until the apples are very soft. Let the mass cool and transfer to a blender. Whisk until smooth. After the apple sauce is cooled and served to meat.

Apple-garlic sauce for chicken



Chop onion and garlic and fry until transparent. Add the pieces of peeled apples and stew, stirring, for about 5 minutes. In the meantime, we clean and rub on the shallow grater ginger. We send it to the frying pan. Fill all with apple juice, season curry and salt. Cover with a lid and simmer until the apples start to dissolve in puree. Cool and grind in a blender. This tender, slightly spicy apple sauce will perfectly match a chicken with rice.

Apple-mustard sauce



Apples are placed in a heat resistant mold, poured onto a finger of water and bake for 20 minutes in the oven, until soft. The same can be done in the microwave, but much faster - in just 5-7 minutes. Baked apples are peeled off the skins and seeds and sent to the bowl of the blender. Add all other ingredients and mix until homogeneous. It turns out a very delicate, creamy sauce. It can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. Apple-mustard sauce perfectly combines with meat and fish.

Dessert apple sauce



We clean apples, cut into slices and place in a saucepan. In order not to burn, pour very little (half a finger) water, add a stick of cinnamon, cover with a lid and stew for 15 minutes. Pour sugar, squeeze out the lime juice and cook for another 10 minutes. After cinnamon is extracted, and mass whisk in a blender. We get a delightful-air sauce, which can be served to pancakes and fritters, or you can as a dessert yourself!