How to teach a child to turn over from the back to the stomach?

The child, having appeared in the world, does not know how to turn over from the back to his tummy and he still has to master this and many other skills. Everything should go its own way and the first coups usually begin after the baby turns three months old, but the majority of children learns them closer to five. And in a couple of months the child will learn how to turn over in reverse order - from the abdomen to the back.

Of course, all these data are rather arbitrary and the development of motor skills is a strictly individual process for each child. But of course, every mom wants her baby to fit in these average rates, and even ahead of them. This will require efforts in the form of special exercises and massage.

If you do not know how to properly teach a child to turn from back to belly and are afraid of harming the baby, then these fears are in vain, the massage will not harm the body, but on the contrary, stimulates it to muscle activity. But nevertheless it is necessary to coordinate the actions with the children's neurologist, that he has given the go-ahead for it and has excluded possible contraindications.

How to teach a baby to turn over from a back to a stomach with the help of a massage?

As a rule, they prescribe a massage to infants according to the indications, but the mother can also strengthen the restorative by mastering simple massage actions. The most basic requirement - the kid should be in a good mood and after feeding should pass at least an hour.

In the room in which the massage is performed, it should be warm enough, because it is desirable to undress a child in order to massage the limbs and torso without interference in the form of clothes. It will require a special massage oil, which allows the mother's hands to slide freely over the skin without rubbing it.

During the procedure, which lasts about half an hour or a little less, the following techniques are used, such as stroking, rubbing, patting, to first bring the muscles into tonus, and then relax them. Begin the massage with the fingers on the legs, stretching them one by one, and smoothly moving upwards. After this comes the turn of the back and shoulders, and finally the handles.

After kneading the muscles, you can start flexing and extending the legs and handles. It is useful to toss the toe of the baby holding her by the shin on the opposite side, stimulating the turn on the barrel, so that the knee touches the surface on which the baby lies. Such movements need to be done with both legs alternately.

Using the fitball

How does fitball help the baby to turn over from the back to the stomach? The point is in the same training of muscles, which are strengthened when the child lies on a springy ball. For this, the baby is laid out alternately with the backrest and tummy on the fitball, covered with a diaper and, holding on to the legs and shoulders, roll back and forth.

Such daily training benefits not only the muscular system, but the whole body, including the vestibular apparatus.

Training with the help of toys

Every kid has his own favorite toy. With its help you can quickly teach the child to roll over on the barrel, and then on the tummy. For this, when the baby is lying on his back, it is necessary to attract his attention an interesting toy. So that the child focuses on her look. Then the toy is moved to the side, forcing the child to turn after her head, and then the torso.

The child starts to reach for the toy, and the mother should help a little - throw the leg in the right direction. As soon as the child understands that in this position he will get what he wants, it will go faster, and soon the kid himself will turn over on his tummy, which means that from now on he will need eyes and eyes.