Zephyr - composition

Zephyr is a delicious and at the same time useful delicacy, such as we know it today, marshmallow was created in France, where it got its name, which translates as a light breeze. This air dessert is to the liking of both children and adults, and probably everyone is interested in what makes marshmallows, that it turns out so tender and tasty.

Composition of marshmallows

This product contains quite a variety of nutrients, especially with regard to minerals, such as: iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium , phosphorus.

Also the composition of marshmallows fill mono - and disaccharides, ashes, starch, organic acids, dietary fiber, vitamin B2 and PP. Marshmallow does not contain fats, proteins only 0.8 grams, but carbohydrates 79.8 g, hence the calorie content, equal to 326 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare marshmallows, fruit puree, sugar, natural thickeners, protein are usually used.

Benefits and harm of marshmallows

Basically, thanks to the natural thickeners included in this delicacy, such as pectin and agar-agar, marshmallows and has its useful qualities:

  1. Relieves the body of toxic deposits, slags, salts, heavy metals.
  2. Improves brain activity.
  3. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Increases the body's resistance to a variety of diseases.
  5. Strengthens nails, hair, blood vessels.
  6. It improves the liver, cleaning it from toxins.

Despite all the medicinal qualities of marshmallows, it can bring harm and harm to the body:

  1. If you immensely lean on marshmallows, it can lead to the development of obesity, because it contains a lot of sugar.
  2. You can not consume this sweetness to diabetics and people who have problems with carbohydrate metabolism.
  3. May cause an allergic reaction. Indeed, modern production often uses a large number of chemicals that can adversely affect health. Therefore, try to buy marshmallows in white, without additives. In such a treat, there are no colorants and fewer different flavor components.

Marshmallow during a diet

This dessert, sold in the store, probably can not be called a product that is suitable for constant use with a diet, because in the marshmallow there is sugar, and not a few.

Well, if we talk about classic marshmallows, and better cooked at home, then this delicacy is already allowed by doctors even people with diabetes . Therefore, during a diet such a product does not hurt the figure at all, of course, if you do not get carried away by it. If we talk about how much zephyr can be a day, then 2-3 pieces of such a dietary delicacy will be enough.