What vegetables can I eat while losing weight?

The fact that vegetables can and should be eaten when losing weight, know everything, but what exactly, remains to be seen, because in some there are carbohydrates and starch that endow them with a decent caloric content. The greatest benefit can bring only low-calorie, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber representatives.

Useful fruits and vegetables

Fiber is present in almost all vegetables and fruits, but most of all it in carrots, beans - lentils, peas and beans, cruciferous vegetables, namely cabbage, and the most different. Such products swell in the gastrointestinal tract, permanently providing a feeling of satiety and acting on the body like a brush, sweeping out of it all the products of decay, normalizing the peristalsis of the intestine. From non-starchy vegetables can be identified green beans, asparagus, artichoke, celery. Zucchini practically does not contain calories, as do cucumbers, and with them you can eat such low-calorie fruits and vegetables as apples, citrus, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, radishes, onions, garlic, pineapples, pomegranates.

To fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber, you can include even raspberries, pears, blueberries, strawberries, but the record holder is avocado. Potatoes also contain fiber, but because of the large amount of starch and carbohydrates it is worth it to eat dosed. Great benefit can bring watermelon, which has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body. To rich in vitamins and minerals, vegetables and fruits include spinach, lettuce, broccoli, lettuce, peaches, apricots , plums. The last two representatives should enter the daily diet of overweight people, since they normalize the work of the digestive tract and relieve constipation. Dry fruits are also useful, especially as a snack - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates.