Dried Pears

Dried pears are very useful. These fruits are used in folk medicine as a fixative, disinfectant, antipyretic agent. They have only natural sweetness and do not contain sugar syrup. The use of dried pears is to remove heavy metals and toxins from the human body.

Recipe for dried pears



First we prepare pears. It is necessary to use fruits that are stored no more than two days. It is better to choose varieties with firm flesh. The pear should be very ripe and sweet. Excellent for drying suitable types such as "Victoria", "Ilyinka", "Forest Beauty".

First, we wash pears well, put them into a deep bowl, and peel and core. We put a pot of water on a big fire and add sugar to taste, sometimes stir it to make the sugar completely dissolved.

In order for the pears to dry more quickly and be sweeter, boil them for a while in boiling water. This will save us a lot of time. When the water boils, throw the pears and boil for 10 - 15 minutes, until they become soft. We take out the fruit from the pan and put it into a bowl. Cooked halves of pears laid on paper towels, so that they cooled down and moisture evaporated. After that, cut them into small pieces of not more than 7 millimeters. Small pears can be left whole, but they will be dried much longer than the pieces.

Put the pears on a baking tray in one layer, put in the oven and dry at a temperature of not more than 60 degrees, so that the pieces of pears are not cracked. We cook them in the oven for about two hours, after raising the temperature to 80 degrees and drying until the juice ceases to stand out from them. This can take about 10 hours, so pears should be shoveled every two hours.

If they began to darken ahead of time, the temperature in the oven is returned to 60 degrees. After the passage of time we take pears out of the oven, let them cool and leave for another two days in a dry place until completely dry, and only after that we put it in a jar and tightly close the lid.

Compote of dried pears



Dried my pears in hot water, put into a saucepan and pour cold water. Heat to a boil, make a smaller fire and cook for about 40 minutes. Then add sugar, mix well until it dissolves completely and add citric acid. The compote is ready.