Jam from gooseberry

Jam from gooseberry has not only an amazing taste, but also an indispensable source of vitamins, especially in the winter. Jam from gooseberry is widely used for medicinal purposes, due to the high content of vitamin C, magnesium and iron. In this article we will tell you how to make jam from gooseberry.

Recipe for royal (royal) jam from gooseberry

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of gooseberry, 7 glasses of sugar, several cherry leaves. The berries of gooseberries should be washed, their tails and seeds removed. To do this, the berries need to make a small incision. Cherry leaves fill with three cups of boiling water and refrigerate. Berries fill with chilled infusion of cherry leaves and put in a cold place for 12 hours. Then the liquid must be drained, put on fire, add sugar to it and boil the syrup. In boiling syrup, add the gooseberries and boil for 15 minutes, taking a spoonful of foam. After that, the container with jam should be placed in a basin with ice water, so that it quickly cools. This is necessary in order that the jam from gooseberry remains emerald and does not fade. Cold jam pour into jars and close the lids.

A recipe for jam from red gooseberries with nuts

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of red gooseberries, 1.5 kilograms of sugar, 400 milliliters of water, 100 grams of peeled walnuts. Gooseberries should be washed, pierced each berry and transferred to enameled dishes. From the water and sugar, cook the syrup, pour them berries and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, add to the mass of ground nuts and remove from heat. Leave the jam in a cool place for 6 hours, then bring it back to a boil. Jam from red gooseberry with nuts should be poured over cans hot and immediately rolled up.

It should be remembered that jam from gooseberry should be stored in the refrigerator or basement. In a warm place, it quickly deteriorates, and the banks explode.

In addition to raw materials for such delicacies like jam, gooseberries are used for many other purposes, because this berry has a lot of useful properties.

Useful properties of gooseberry

Gooseberries include vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, P (this vitamin is contained in black gooseberry). Also, the berry of gooseberries is high in potassium, sodium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and salts.

Application of gooseberry:

Types of gooseberries

The most popular yellow gooseberry on the territory of our country. Yellow gooseberry has a thin skin and sweet or sour-sweet taste. There are several varieties of yellow gooseberry. Between themselves, they differ in the shape of the berries, taste and thickness of the skin. Yellow gooseberry belongs to the best varieties.

Not less popular is red gooseberry. The berries of red gooseberry are pleasant sourish. In the middle of the last century, a variety of gooseberries "Malachite" was introduced by scientists. Malachite has a bright green color, sour taste, late maturity and resistance to low temperatures.

Gooseberries are a universal berry, widely used in cooking and medicine. Honey and gooseberry are prepared from wine. Sweet gooseberry is good in any form, and from the sour it turns out excellent jams, jams, compotes and kissels. An interesting fact is that for a long time in the territory of the CIS " kiwi fruit " was called "Chinese gooseberry" .