Plantar warts - treatment

Treatment of plantar warts is associated with certain difficulties. These growths can quickly spread to healthy areas of the skin, disappear themselves and also appear again. All the ways to get rid of plantar warts require long and repeated repetitions, as well as patience and perseverance on the part of the patient. In addition, it is advisable not to engage in self-medication, since improper handling of the build-up can lead to a change in its benign nature to malignancy.

How to remove the plantar wart?

Among the methods, how to remove the plantar wart, there are medications and surgical ones.

The first group includes:

  1. Cantharidin.
  2. Imiquimod (Aldar).
  3. Immunotherapy.
  4. Ethnoscience.

The second group:

  1. Surgical excision.
  2. Cryotherapy.
  3. Laser removal.
  4. Electrodestruction.

How to treat plantar warts: details of existing methods

First, let's look at non-surgical methods in detail, how to cure a plantar wart.

Cantharidin is an organic substance that is obtained from the lymph of a certain species of beetles. The extract is thoroughly mixed with salicylic acid and the resulting mixture is applied to the skin formation. This is the safest and least painful remedy for plantar warts. The only trouble can be the appearance of a blister at the site of the papilloma, which takes place during the day.

The effectiveness of the method is high, but relapse may develop. Therefore, after removing the plantar warts in this way, you will have to use salicylic patches for a while.

Imiquimod is an immunotherapeutic preparation of topical application. It provokes the production of a cytokine protein, which adversely affects the human papilloma virus and promotes the complete removal of plantar warts. The ointment is applied directly to the papilloma, sometimes causing inflammation and damage to surrounding tissue.

Immunotherapy - treatment of plantar warts by stimulating the activity of immunity. The procedure can be carried out in two ways:

Immunotherapy is a rather painful method and takes a long time.

Treating folk remedies of plantar warts is very diverse and includes even conspiracies. The most effective are only two ways:

  1. Wipe the wart with celandine juice twice a day.
  2. Lubricate the build-up with fresh garlic juice.

How to remove plantar warts - types of operations and efficacy

Surgical excision with a scalpel is the removal (scraping) of the build-up. At the same time, neighboring skin areas are anesthetized, but after the anesthesia ceases, the pain syndrome resumes. This method is rarely used because of scarring of dissected tissues. Cryotherapy involves the removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen. Under the action of freezing, a blister forms in the place of the papilloma, which is subsequently opened, and the dead parts of the epidermis exfoliate.

Laser removal of plantar warts occurs with the help of directed point pulses of the laser beam. Due to this effect, corked blood vessels are cauterized and die. After surgery, the wart, devoid of blood circulation, is rejected by itself.

Electrodevelopment is used as a substitute for surgical excision. Instead of a scalpel, a needle with an electric current is used during removal of the build-up. With its help the wart is cut off, and the blood vessels are cauterized.