How to make a water lily from paper?

Water lily - a very beautiful flower, enveloped in a haze of mystery and mystery. In this master class you will learn how to make a water lily from color or papyrus paper with your own hands, so that the hand-made is a worthy decoration of your house.

We will need:

  1. Cut out a square of white paper with a size of 15x15 centimeters. You can use paper with embossing, it will give the flower even more texture. Fold the resulting square according to the scheme shown in the figure.
  2. Using scissors, give the resulting detail the shape of a narrow oblong petal. Be careful, do not cut to the end!
  3. Then bend the edges of each petal toward the center. You will have a flower with a lot of sharp petals.
  4. After that, the core must be made for the flower. Cut a square of 5x9 centimeters from a yellow paper. Do not cut to the end, make cuts on it to make it look like a fringe.
  5. The scheme for creating a water lily from paper is even simpler. Fold a strip of fringed paper into a roll, and then gently swirl the resulting stamens to give the core of the water lily volume.
  6. Firmly fix the tip and lubricate it with a small amount of glue. Be careful with it, so as not to spoil the hand-crafted stains.
  7. Place the yellowish core in the center of the white flower that you cut out earlier. It remains to spread all the petals, once again fluff the stamens, and enjoy the result.

It is not necessary to use white paper as the main material to create a charming flower. Crafts made of multi-colored paper look good too. Besides, you did not set a goal to create an exact copy of a water lily?

You can decorate the finished article with a background of green paper. If you process its edges with figured scissors, then the substrate will turn into a leaf of a water lily. In general, the imagination of needlewomen, as you know, does not have borders. Feel free to experiment!

Such a gentle and simple to make flower can be an excellent decor for a holiday card, which you want to give to a loved one. No less spectacular, a water lily of colored paper looks on the box with a gift. And if you take care of a waterproof substrate, then in an aquarium or a wide vase this artifact will look great.

From paper, you can make other beautiful flowers, such as chamomile or a rose .