How to restore the nervous system?

In today's world, with its frantic pace of life, few can boast of "healthy nerves."

The human nervous system is divided into the central (head and spinal cord), peripheral (other nerve endings) and vegetative (the department responsible for the work of internal organs.) Usually, stress factors most obviously affect the brain, but other regions also suffer, even if it is not so obvious.

Restoration of the nervous system

First of all, we will consider general recommendations that will help strengthen the nervous system and contribute to its recovery.

  1. One of the mandatory conditions is a sound healthy sleep. Lack of sleep is one of the factors that most negatively affects the general condition of the body. Try to allocate for sleep at least 6 hours a day. The bed should be comfortable, and the sleeping room - quiet. If the nerves on the "platoon" and sleep is difficult, it is better to drink calming herbal tea, and to avoid sleeping pills whenever possible, as it can become addictive.
  2. For the normal functioning of the nervous system vitamins and minerals are very important. First of all, this refers to calcium and vitamins of group B. To date, a multivitamin complex can be purchased at any pharmacy, such a remedy is harmless, but it can help significantly improve the condition.
  3. Avoid stress. This advice is not so easy to follow, but stress factors cause a significant part of the nervous disorders. If you have sleep disorders, excessive irritability or, conversely, apathy, a decrease in the reaction rate, then the nervous system urgently needs rest. Even if there is no possibility to take a long vacation, try to carve out at least a couple of days and spend them in peace and quiet: no active activities, cases requiring stress, if possible, exclude watching TV and using a computer.

Preparations for the restoration of the nervous system

  1. Vitamin complexes and preparations with calcium, iron and selenium.
  2. Lecithin. A dietary supplement containing phospholipids necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Phytomedication. Tincture of ginseng, aralia, zamanichi, magnolia vine, leuzei, eleutherococcus extract. Any of the listed products can take 20-30 drops before meals, 2-3 times a day. Also, sedative preparations based on herbs may be useful: valerian, peony tincture, motherwort.
  4. Sedatives and antidepressants. Self-treatment with these medications is not recommended, they can only be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

Folk remedies

  1. A glass of warm milk with honey, taken at night, will help to relax and get rid of insomnia.
  2. Very effective soothing bath, prepared with the addition of a decoction of poplar leaves, St. John's wort or pine needles.
  3. Soothing collection. Mix 2 tablespoons herbage motherwort and 1 tablespoon cones of hops and hawthorn flowers. A tablespoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos. To drink infusion it is necessary during the day for three doses.

It should be noted that all these recommendations refer to cases when the nervous system is "shaken" due to overstress or stress, but is not suitable for serious diseases (traumatic, infectious, etc.) that require medical intervention.